Welcome to our site. If this is your first visit and you're a Saint Stanislaus College Alumni, please don't forget to
Register Your Name. We have also set up a Chat Room, where hopefully you can "touch-base" with an old friend or two.
“1st May, 1866, Fr. Langton opened school with two boys, Marshall and Pairadeau.” That sentence from the diary of Bishop Etheridge marks the beginning of the 131 years of existence of what is now St. Stanislaus College.
The College motto, ‘Aeterna Non Caduca’ (things that last, not things that perish) is a reminder to all students that the College is firmly committed to building up a society where peace and justice can prevail, and where there can flourish spiritual values, respect for the religious traditions for all, inculcation of the ideal of service and love of God and neighbour.
In the early years, the school was known as St. Stanislaus Grammar school and occupied various sites. In 1907 the name was changed to St. Stanislaus College and the present Brickdam site was acquired.
The original part of the present building goes back to 1928, during the hardship of Fr. (later Bishop) Weld. In 1954, a further wing was added, and in November 1973 the newly built Hopkinson Wing was opened.
St. Stanislaus College, one hundred and thirty-seven years old is a Grade A, Senior Secondary
School administered by the Government of Guyana. The school aims at imparting both
intellectual and technical skills and forming citizens who are imbued with a reverence of God,
and a spirit of love for their country. The philosophy of the school centers on its motto
“Aeterna Non-Caduca”- ‘Not for this life but for Eternity’. The school offers an education that emphasizes
academic excellence and respect from all; it develops values of co-operation, a spirit of sharing,
caring, and working together for the good of all.
Admission to the school is normally through the Secondary Schools’ Entrance
Examination. The normal five years’ course of studies leads to the Secondary Education
Certificate Examination ( CXC) and G.C.E. (London) Ordinary Level. There is a further two
years’ course for G.C.E. Advance Level (London).
The College has three functioning science laboratories. There is a Library, a Geography
room, Home Economics Department and an Industrial Arts Department. Also a Computer
Laboratory can be found on campus, which caters to four other secondary schools in Georgetown.

The St. Stanislaus College play-ground on Carifesta Avenue provides full facilities for
Cricket, Football, Hockey, Circle-tennis and Athletics. On the College premises in
there are facilities for playing Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis. While both boys
and girls participate in these games, Scouting is offered to the boys. And for those who are
religiously inclined, a Bible Club also exist. Many of the sports, elocution competitions and debates are conducted on a House basis;
there are four Houses: Galton, Butler, Etheridge and Weld.
The Ministry of Education continues to provide some text books, and exercise books.
The school is ably assisted by Parents, individuals, organizations, the College Association and
Guyana Stores Limited.+

Recently added to the site is the Saints Master Plan. This document was prepared by Mr. Kenneth Khan, first Guyanese born headmaster of St. Stanislaus College.(1972)
We have also set up a Teacher Tribute page, allowing for students to recognize any special staff or teacher of their choice.
Please be sure to also visit the Marion Forum,
where everyone is given to opportunity to discuss any matter of concern to them and Saints.
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