Social Issues Home Page

Syllabus, Schedule, Bulletin Board

MMET 10101 Spring, 2002
Professor Wayne Hayes Room E-215

Welcome to the Home Page of Professor Wayne Hayes's second edition of Social Issues, MMETS 10101, spring, 2002, at Ramapo College.

The Social Issues requirement fills a specific curricular niche: It provides an introduction to the social science sequence in Ramapo College's General Education program. Social Issues probes issues of identity, power, inequality, and change with a focus on social class, race, and gender. Modernization, globalization, immigration, industrialization, urbanization, and ecological disintegration provide a historical context for this exploration.

Our course meets in E-125 from 6:00 PM until 9:20 PM each Monday from February 4 through May 20, 2002. Course materials now available on-line include:

  1. The on-line course syllabus and a print-ready version
  2. The detailed schedule of class activities, including key dates
  3. Our Bulletin Board

Please note! As the semester unfolds, more course rerource material will be made available.

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The Social Issues Web
©by Wayne Hayes, Ph.D., ®ProfWork
February 4, 2002