Inside America Home Page

Syllabus, Schedule, Bulletin Board

AAMR 30501 Professor Wayne Hayes
Classroom G-401 Office G-231
(201) 684-7751

Welcome to the 2001 edition of Inside America! The course changes each year, as America changes. Texas and Florida, for example, take on greater significance than last year due to the 2000 Presidential election. America remains the most dynamic society in an era of unprecedented global social change. Increasingly, to comprehend America, we must think globally. Let the show begin!

The Inside America Web Site provides many resources to support our course:

  1. The 2001 Syllabus, which is distributed during the first class, January 29, 2001
  2. The Schedule, currently in transition
  3. The Bulletin Board, which you should check often.
  4. The essay assignment for Part II, the regional tour, due on April 23, 2001.
  5. My web searching, browsing, and citing helper page, SearchLight, which we will use during our computer lab workshop.
  6. Term project instructions, including how to frame your project, sample topics, and instructions for the proposal.
  7. Instructions for essay on Part I
  8. The Game of the States and Regions, a JavaScript mulitiple-choice game I devised in JavaScript.
  9. A state-by-state survey stressing politics and sustainability factors, also powered by JavaScript.
  10. Home pages for the South and the West. Examine my notes on Dixie Rising.
  11. I have provided notes on Community and the Politics of Place by Daniel Kemmis. The essay assignment is also available.

Course Mission

Inside America directly supports the Mission Statement of Ramapo College through our exploration of diversity within America and by our understanding of the USA within a global context. The challenge to the student is to grasp this moving target --- an extraordinarily dynamic society in a singularly turbulent world.

Inside America brings you into the states and regions of the U.S.A. to examine current trends and their significance. The main goal of Inside America is that the student’s mental map of the USA should become more vibrant, informed, and insightful: The student should be able to identify and articulate major trends, themes, problems, challenges, and movements which characterize the changing social, economic, and political landscape "inside America."

Inside America performs several curricular roles:

The three main goals of the course are:

  1. The map of the USA must come to life for you. You should be able to explain and integrate current political, economic, social, and ecological dynamics.
  2. You should come to identify the political values and character of the states and regions.
  3. You should be able to discern how each state confronts the challenges of sustainable development and globalization, vital contemporary themes.

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Inside America Web Site
©by Wayne Hayes, Ph.D., ®ProfWork
March 5, 2001