Ramapo College Environmental Studies Web
Contents: Mission |Goals |
Curriculum | Faculty
Environmental Institute
August 21, 2000
Welcome to the Home Page
of the
Sustainability Web Site.
The Ramapo College Environmental Studies program has been in operation since 1976, graduating 500 students with a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies. The Ramapo College web site provides official information regarding the Environmental Studies program.
The Sustainability Web Site supports the overall mission of Environmental Studies and Ramapo College by supplementing our academic program with Internet-based resources with these characteristics:
This project promotes the following goals:
The Curriculum and Advisement Guide offers students a description and outline of the requirements of the Environmental Studies major at Ramapo College.
The academic program aims at assisting students to pursue Pathways towards careers in Environmental Studies and sustainable development.
The secretary in the office of Theoretical and Applied Science has all syllabi available for inspection. The ES Resources page references on-line syllabi.
The Environmental Studies faculty can be reached for advisement. Several expanded faculty biographies are now available, including an explanation of how their work intersects with sustainability.
For fourteen years, the mission of the Environmental Studies program at Ramapo College has been supported by the Institute for Environmental Studies. The Institute also provides resources for state and regional organizations and efforts promoting sustainability. The Institute web site and the Environmental Studies Web Site complement each other.
The Environmental Institute oversees the activities of The Alternative Energy and Environmental Center, which is a laboratory of sustainable living practices enlivened by student initiative.