Earth spinningBATE Professor Wayne Hayes, Ph.D., May 30, 2000
| Syllabus | Schedule | Bulletin Board|
| Profwork Home Page |

BATE Home Page

Welcome to the summer, 2000, offering of Business and the Environment, BMBA 65001!

This Internet site for Business and the Environment -- or simply BATE -- promotes a single purpose: to provide resources for the students to facilitate the summer, 2000, offering of BATE.

Two main goals will guide this offering of Business and the Environment :

  1. A concrete understanding of the adaptation by and leadership of firms, industries, and the business community to the transition toward a sustainable future.
  2. The preparation and display (written and oral reports and possibly an Internet site) of a sustainability plan for a particular firm, industry, or institution.

Support Resources

Several on-line documents support the structure and the flow of the course:

  1. The syllabus and a print friendly version.
  2. The schedule of events for the summer, 2000, offering -- which may change from time to time.
  3. The BATE Bulletin Board that provides timely notices as the course unfolds: Check the BATE Bulletin Board often.
  4. BATE-related web sites abound: check out our Bate Links Page.
  5. Students reports from the summer, 1999, are available in document and on-line formats.

Contact your Professor

Here's how to get in touch with me:

©Wayne Hayes, Ph.D.:ProfWork®
Business and the Environment, Summer, 2000
May 30, 2000 / Top