CJPrincess' Shout Outs

Hey Gia! Without you I wouldn't have this without you! Thanx G! You're the best! Man, we have been through so much that I can't put all of it down. Letz see It all started two years ago at they Youth Rally. ummm... Abby? Allan?! I can't believe we were excited for this year to see him and now we do and itz like ok... Whatever! Don't be so ghetto! ha! Remember the rallies, semis, jokes, laughs, CHOCOLATE! hotel nights, and of course our homes which we switch every night. You are the bestest daughter and BCG rules! Good Luck with Mr. Matthew Dean! Keep it in the family BABY! Wish on a star g! Just Take Another Glance! Mahal Kita G!

Well Michelle, we have known eachother since we were babies. You are my bestest friend and we will always have memoriez of Christmas with singing and having fun making fun of our parents doing karaoke. Well hopefully this year we will see more of eachother. I will post up the pic of u and me soon. LYLAS!!!

Kuya Louie
You are the best Kuya!!!! Thanks for helping me with my page and my love life(tee hee!). I'll page you ok? Hope all the best with you and Trish!

You are the bestest friend and I am happy that I have a best friend like you. You are my twin and I am proud to have a twin. Well Sam our SMC phases have gone? Have fun in University and I wish you luck! Thanx for being there through our talks. You know if u need someone 2 talk to just come over! hahaha! Take Care! You are a wonderful gift! Know that! Love you!

Oy!oy!oy! Ahhhhh! I can't believe you did that at the twins house! and on tape! aya! I love you anyway! Man, You have the bestes voice I want it! I don't know how the days went by so fast. It was just yesterday when we went into the Rising Star. Virtue rules! I'll take that memory everywhere. Thanx for everything you are a TRULY UNITED SISTER! You are agreat talent and if u get famous don't forget the lil people! Nang Dito Ako! Wow! u know filipino better than me! I love you more!

My Victoria Friend! Imagine if Marie and I didn't even bother hosting you guys I would have never met you! I really wanna go down there. I am soreeee! I have been busy so I haven't been writing you. Thanx for being the best pen pal in the world! One day I'll come down! Hopefully it will be soon. Love ya!

Michelle D
Hey you gen friend!!!! Can you believe how long we have known eachother? Thanks for being a GREAT listener cause I know I talk your ear off. You are my gen sister! Hope that all your dreams come true.... You know you can count on me to listen if there is a need to talk. I'm here 4 u babe! Love you sister friend(tee hee!)

Hellooooo!!!!! Having fun in University? Well one day we have to take your dog for a walk! Isn't it wierd that youth group brought us closer? Well I wish you all the best with your singing! Keep In Touch K?

Teds-you are a typ! Fob! oops! what r u now? Yu know I love u even though you're soooooo stubborn. Like the hat? No more Ice Cream k? I care bout u evevn though I don't show it! Take Care Of Yourself!By the way you're it!!!
Shay and Lex and my lil princess Victoria- Without u I wouldn't have a ride to work! Joke Lang! Thanx guys! If I could I'd pay you back every cent! You guys are the bestest! You know when Victoria grows up I'll spoil her like anything. I Love you guys! Howz the nieghbor?hahahaha! You're it!!!!
Ces and Jepo- You guys are the best even though I fight woth u the most. Sorry for being stubborn!
Ma and Pa-You guys are great parents I just am sorry for the trouble but Mahal na mahal!
Cousins in Chicago- I LOOOOOOVEE YOU! Howz the life in Chitown? Well I miss you guys so much! Visit meeh! Kryztine- I miss our talks! Niki-Remember Mike's hard Iced tea? ,and PJ-Don't shoot peeps without meeee!!! You guys are the bomb KEEP IT IN THE FAMILY BABY! Don't forget the hotel! I can't believe I left the Chocolate stuf by their door!
Cousins in the Phil-Mahal Kita! Come visit us! I really miss you guys and wish I could go down. I am trying my best! The Halpine family-You guys are great people and I miss you! It was great seeing everyone this summer! I hope to go down with Liz and Catherine
Taylor Family-You all are sooooooo cute! I love you guys!
Champion Lover! Well you have been the greatest listener! I hope the best for you and your girlfriend by the way she says "DA!". You know that you can always come down and go bowling with us! You are a great singer and you should know that! Thanx for everything and thanks for the encouragement! Oh! Don't you forget BIG MAMA! Take Care!

Hey! VIRTUE and their many memriez! Our practices were filled with make overs and a certain line we would call 24-7. Isn't it funny how we got tired of it when we were of age? Good Luck in your last year! I know you wanna go 2 school so hopefully you will get too! Marie! You have been there to make me laugh when I am down so"Don't be sad wehenevr you're hurting....." You know the rest! Luv Ya!


I love you! You're the best! Hope you are having fun
in Waterloo! Take Care! Always remember MMC!
I LOVE Marc!

Mr.Beano is an engineero! Well I am happy that you are having a great time! I am so happy dat we have became close at such a short time. You are a great friend and thanx for the advice. Man, Were u always that tall?!

Daniel-Love that hair! Stop comparing girls to wrestlers please!
Stef- Mahal Kita mestiza shortee!
We have been through so much!
Take Care! Remember the long talks
and the sunrises on my balcony(tee! hee!)
Mary-I miss ya where did you go? You have to admit that we are so good at surprising people ha! Remember Misa's face? I can't believe she fell for it!
Joe- Get your mind outta the gutter! Mary and Drew aren't near you!
Drew- Miss you! You r a dirty birdy!
Herb-You are da bomb! I like your site!
Mike-Howz your bike???? If it weren't for John!
Na-Na- Hey you! Jake! remember the liquid paper daze!
Don't forget ND! You da bomb!
Mark Angelo- Man how many Marks do I know?
well u r cool! I love how you dance! Too bad I
missed you at ny party!(oops! You were there soreee!)
Just joking!

WONDERLAND FRENZ Everyone I met this year! Kingswood Concerts were cool! Tiring! Yet cool! I was healed guys! Take Care Guys and hope to see you next year!
You are my extended family and I love you all! We have a wierd but loving family! GIVE LIFE A CHANCE!

Youth group
DREW- Hoy! You are da bomb! Thanx! You are my lil bro and always remember EDDY and the talks at Wonderland!
NUEL-Virgos Rule and so do we! Youth rally 96 The first time I got close to the youth group!

Sweetheart and Ryan- You guys are cool! I still wanna join the club! You guys wanna play Skeletons?

Everyone else thanx! I love you all! Feel free to sign my guset book anytime!Take Care and enjoy the page!