SAVOL News and upcoming events

If there are any questions and you want to get involved email us at and don't forget to check out the webpage: /CollegePark/Quad/2094/
Students Against Violation Of Life
SAVOL Executive
Presidents: Samantha Potes and Marie Thurton
Vice President: Catherine Taylor
Secretary/Treasurer: Althea
OSFL Area Rep: Michael Pasquale
International Public Relation: Joseph Taylor
and Paul Lee
This is us at the Ottawa Conference(happy people)
We just had our elections and starting August our new executive will be
President: Catherine Taylor
Vice President: Christine Lumilan
Secretary/Treasurer: Mark Johnson
OSFL Area Rep: Roberto Aburto
International Public Realtion: Wilfred Lumilan
Educator: Samantha Potes
What's SAVOL?
Students Against Violation Of Life(SAVOL) is the Toronto branch of Ontario Students For Life(OSFL). It is comprised of youth from across the city of Toronto and the GTA who believe in the sacredness of life and not afraid to protect in any of a variety of ways
SAVOL was founded in October of 1995 at the OSFL conference in La Salle, Ontario. The original group was made up of 20 enthusiastic guys and gals. Since then, the SAVOL has continued to have an ever-growing mailing list of numerous youth across Metropolitan Toronto. The organizers and participants include all ages of high school students and university students.
The purpose of SAVOL is for students to have the chance to become more actively involved in defending life, to become aware of the threats to life, and to make the region aware that there is help for teens and that there are other young enthusiastic pro-lifers.
Upcoming Events
Movie Night
ACTION DAY ( London )

This is Roberto, me, Paul and Gia
The SAVOL website!!!
If you want to know more bout SAVOL and ask questions this is the site. They have cool pics!!!!