30 ways to be a filipino

"30 Ways To Be A Filipino"

1. All Pinays must shop at wild pair and buy atleast 1 pair of 4 inch heels every week.
2. All Pinoys must be breakers.
3. All Pinays must have about 20 pairs of the same Asphalt jeans(flares, bellbottoms.).
4. All Pinoys must have either Long Bangs with Sun In...or Spikey hair...perfectly spiked. If it's not perfectly spiked in every direction you must have a hissy fit!
5. All Pinays must buy SoSo Def Bass All Stars Vol 2, and use "Love you Down" On their greetings for their voice mail.
6. All Pinoys must slouch as low as they can in their civics or integras so you can only see their spikes sticking up from above the window.
7. All Pinays must jock black guys. And claim WIll Smith is just so fine.
8. All Pinays and Pinoys must walk around outside with their socks and shoes off.
9. All Pinoys must be able to ball... Same with Pinays...
10. All Pinoys and Pinays must talk about how fun it is in the PI. Eventhough it smells! And they know it sucks there!
11. If you're Pinoy and Pinay you MUST move to either San Jose, San Francisco, LA, or San Diego.
12. You must have a cousin in everyone of the cities above.
13. You must be hella rich in the PI. But you don't even know your own rich relitives. But of course we all claim to be close to them and know them very well.
14. All Pinoys must get haircuts weekly to keep those fades clean.
15. Pinays must travel in groups of atleast 5 girls and 2 guys trailing behind them at the mall.
16. All Pinoys must have a dick no BIGGER then 5 inches.(that's when it's hard)
17. All Pinays must be from some dance crew or another
18. All Pinoys must know how to flow.
19. Anyone who's not filipino is either a "PUTI" or "EGGOT"
20. You must own a jocelyn enriquez cd.
21. ALL pinoys and pinays must represent their PINAY AND PINOY Pride to the fullest!
22. Pinays must be able to talk 100 words per minute on their voice mail greetings.
23. Pinays must have a "JACKED" voice mail. As long as a pager.
24. All Pinoys and Pinays must migrate to the PI during the summer.
25. All Pinoys must be hard and cool and claim some gang of some what(so their female friends won't think they're pussies"
26. You must have atleast 30 Kuyas, 25 Atez, and 46 Adings.
27. All your close friends automatically become your "cousins"
28. Your daddy must be a Marlboro Red smoker.
29. Pinoys must be players...But sweet talkers.
30. All you PInoys and Pinays must pass this on to everyone filtered=)