The Real Me
Full Name: Christine Janet Mina
Nicknames: Lobster, Big Mama, CJ,princess, shortee
Other Screen names: CJQueen, CJprincess
Hometown: East York
School: Notre Dame
Birthday: September 1, 1979
Favorite Color Bra: who makes up these questions????
Croutons or Bacon Bits: Bacon bits!!!
Favorite Salad Dressing: French
Do u drink: I personally don't like alcohol but I drink
once in a while.
What type of deodorant do you use: secret anti-perspirant
Favorite Name: GUY- Tyler
GURL- Chelsea
Favorite Shampoo or conditioner: Herbal Essence
Have you ever gone skinny dipping: NO!!
Do u make fun of people: every now and then
Have You ever been convicted of a crime? NO
One pillow or two?: two!
Pets/names: Bobo!!!!
Favorite Movie: Titanic, Little Mermaid, Armageddon
Favorite Type of Music: any!
Hobbies: Singing, acting, hanging out with my friends
Dream Car: something Blue! hahahahaha!
Type of Car or TRUCK u drive now: I don't drive yet
Words or phrases you overuse: Sorry, Calm yourself!
Do you have a boy/girl friend:no!
Favorite Food: Mcdonalds,Chinese food
Online Crush: don't have one.
Do you get along with your parents? most of the time
Favorite Ice Cream: Mocha
Favorite Pop Drink: COKE!!!
Whats ur bed time: when i get tired!
Adidas, Nike or Reebok: ????
Lugz or Tommy: ????
Favorite Song at the moment:My heart will go on, Shy guy,
Right here waiting
Favorite Website: Gia's!!!!!!
Favorite Subject in school: Vocal and Drama(I am not an
artsy person! I swear!)
Least Favorite Subject: Chemistry
GatOraid or Powerade? neither... they both taste icky!
Favorite Sport to watch: soccer
Most hummilating moment:when I sang on stage and I got
nervous so I started laughing and everyone called me GIGGLES
Loudest person u know: People! Boniface!!!!woo!hoo!
what turns you off from the opposite sex: When they swear constantly
Krayziest person or sillest u know: all my frenz!
Favorite Holiday Location: Chicago(my cousins)
Who is your best friend:Samantha
Who you hang with the most: hmmm... all of them???
Aiight... I'll name 10...Gia, Ted, Sean, Daniel,
Sam, Mike, Misa, Mark, Herb, Stef
What do u look for in the opposite sex: someone I could
tell anything and wouldn't look at me differently, a caring person who
loves me for who I am and not how I look, good listener, A GREAT friend!
Most difficult thing you have had to do:Tell one of my
closest friends what they were doing I do not agree with
Grandfather's favorite saying: How's my little princess?
Celebrity you'd most like to get on top of: Excuse
MEEH???sorry can't answer that
Favorite label: Huh????
Favorite love song: My Heart will go on, Crazy For you(madonna)
Coolest Person that you know: Me! Just joking!
Your favorite color: BLUE!!!!!!!
Favorite thing to do when your bored: sing! Bug my friends
Favorite animal: puppy
Person your thinking of right now (honestly): it's a secret!
what do u see in your future?: I see myself acting and singing, either doing it myself or teacing people and I want six kids!