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September 30:

September 14:

First ever personal
September 1:
    Since this is my first commentary, I thought it would good to have it on a day that is also a first for me.  It is my first ever first anniversary!  I've never been with a girl longer than a couple of months, but this girl is something special.  She makes me happy, and that will be my point of the day.
        If you want to be treated nice, treat everyone else nice too.  You can't just go around being an ass and expect good to come from it.  Be all you can be...but you don't have to join the Army to do it!  :p

    Don't ever give up!  Never give in until you are proven wrong!  Don't forget other people are thinking about every word you are saying.  Keep in mind that you aren't always right, but you can learn something from everyone.

    Happy Anniversary Katie!!!!!!

     ----The Log