All hail the great Lucy!!

     Jayar's I Love Lucy is my bee-yooo-tiful black 
Labrador Retriever (just look at that shiny coat!!!)
She was born on September 30,1989 and she weighs about 65 lbs.
She's long and slender-just like a supermodel!:-)
She was the runt of 13 but she has forged ahead to
make a name for herself in this dog-eat-
dog world. Her hobbies include playing ball, going for
walks, smiling, playing ball, eating grass (she's better
than a lawnmower!), wiggling, playing ball, sneezing,
fighting with her doggy mother, Jackie (hey, she's a
rebellious adolescent...), giving the cat nasty stares, and
playing ball (Did I mention playing ball?) Lucy's mother is
a seasoned parent of forty-five puppies and her father (from
whom she got her sweet little face) is the late Ch.
Snowden Hill's Might Moose. Lucy is a wonderful girl and
loves to hear from other doggies. You can write Lucy at or

Visit another dog named Lucy (she lives with her little half-sister, just like my girl!)

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