I know... I learned that one the hard way. Um
yeah... but anyway, I'd just like to dedicate this page to
some of the coolest people in the world... my friends!:)
This girl is my oldest friend. We've
been through so much together! And to think, it all started
with some shampoo (lol!). Seriously, though, she's one of the
kindest and most generous people I've ever known, and I'm
incredibly blessed to have her in my life. This one's for you,
Robin (aka Boss)
This was taken at out friend Lauren's Halloween
party. I'm the psychotic Manson girl and she's the adorable
little pigtailed creature (don't tell her she's adorable,
though- her ego's big enough!:). Anyway, what can I say? This
chick's been my neighbor for over two and a half years and I
don't know what I'd do without her. Her strength has been so
good for me! (Robin Therapy 101 was especially helpful). She's
truly an individual and doesn't take crap from anyone, and I
really admire her for that. I'm going to miss her so much next
Don't forget to check out Robby's page!
Alas, I don't have a picture for this one, but
she's been my friend since our freshman year, when I was 18 and
she was just sixteen! She's a total child prodigy; if
you ever need help with your homework, just ask Wendi! (I
have to warn you, though, she charges for her services!...jk...
:) Anyway, Wendi and I are complete opposites
in a lot of ways, but we're great friends, anyway, thus proving
that true friendship knows no bounds. Thanks for
everything, chica.
Feast your eyes on Miss Wendi's page.(She's getting pretty good
at this
computer stuff!)
Michelle (aka Sis)
Mich is the sexy one wrapped up in paper towels. Dang, she
looks fine... Oh yeah, and that's me sitting on
the floor. Anyway, she's a great gal and a true
friend, even if she is still a teenager...:) We may not look
like we have a lot in common on the surface, but we're
actually very similar; in fact, we are so much so that we call
each other "Sister." We rule!:) Anyway, Michelle will be in
France next year and I'll miss her tremendously. Take care, Sis.
Lauren (aka Beech)
This girl's a riot!!! I love her so much, even if
she is a rotten, filthy whore! lol!! Seriously, though, she's
been a great friend for these past four years (ever since
Joaquin's class:). She's the most outgoing, extroverted person I've
ever met, and she's so funny! She's going to get her M.S.
in counseling next year and I wish the best for my beech.:)
Check out's Lauren's page!
It's just great... for me to poop on!
Lots more coming as soon as I get to a scanner! I promise!:)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...