Katie~ - 11/16/00 19:36:24 My Email:CherokeeDestiny@aol.com Juggling Preference: RAOK | Comments: Wishing You Peace from a kind Heart ![]() |
Doreen Beekman - 03/02/00 22:05:10 My URL:http://www.nurseoncall.com My Email:doreen@nurseoncall.com Nursing?: YES! | Comments: I love the wolf pics!! I have a nursing job site....feel free to add it to your resources!! Doreen |
- 09/11/99 03:33:17 | Comments: |
Deborah Sorenson - 07/19/99 19:13:47 My Email:debsoren@bellsouth.net Juggling Preference: my thoughts Nursing?: yes! | Comments: You have a most interesting site Mr Sorenson. |
Don nelson - 05/14/99 01:20:36 My Email:don_nelson16@hotmail. Nursing?: yeah | Comments: well you could have eaten just one grandmother. Of course I am a student |
pam - 03/20/99 16:49:18 My Email:phpage@infoave.net Juggling Preference: penguins & martinin glasses Nursing?: 11 years | Comments: Great site!! Your students are very lucky to have such a good resource. |
Rick Cooper - 03/18/99 02:59:48 My Email:rcooper@hereintown.net Juggling Preference: unprepared nursing students!!!!! Nursing?: almost 20 years, the last 5 as Asst Professor of Nursing | Comments: Nice page, I like the study guides on line. Great idea!!! |
Vanda Kranicke - 02/11/99 04:07:09 My Email:vandajr@yahoo.com Nursing?: student | Comments: Hey Matt: I finally made it into your website! Pretty cool! |
Christine Engelmann - 01/23/99 03:38:57 My URL:http://members.aol.com/stagens My Email:cmewcn1@aol.com Juggling Preference: shoes Nursing?: student | Comments: Shock and I were just browsing your website, so we thought we'd commend you on a job well done! Great site. Thanks for the test tips. |
shock - 01/23/99 03:37:30 My Email:shock1999 Juggling Preference: men Nursing?: student | Comments: Hey Matt!! Everyone is really enjoying your rotation. C-ya! |
Nightmarewolf - 01/14/99 17:08:38 My URL:/collegepark/library/6800 My Email:Blackpantherevl@hotmail.com Juggling Preference: none Nursing?: none | Comments: Great site. |
Al - 11/25/98 05:38:23 My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~aljane My Email:aljane@bigfoot.com Nursing?: 2 years | Comments: Hi there, my name is Al, and I am an RN from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada! I was just surfing nursing webpages on Geocities, and visited yours. Drop by and visit our webpage.. cartoons, jokes, nurse links and family pics too! Sign our guestbook if you like and tell us what you think of our HOME on the WEB. http://www.bigfoot.com/~aljane Al RN |
Leah Staffen - 10/20/98 06:13:45 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/5222 My Email:mlstaffen@yahoo.com | Comments: Excellent Site!! I love Wolves!! Check out my site, I have a few pics and backgrounds having to do with wolves |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Cynthia Shaird-Watson - 10/03/98 20:17:06 Juggling Preference: none Nursing?: nursing student | Comments: Matthew, just thought I'd leave a note since I was here. See you in class! |
- 08/13/98 20:59:06 | Comments: |
carrol gold - 08/13/98 20:58:34 | Comments: Hi, Matthew: Checking out your web site per Dr. Penkhofer...pretty neat. How do you scan pictures in? Choose colors, etc. Wish I understood these technological processes better. |
Esther Jacobs - 08/12/98 14:16:39 My Email:ejacobs@luc.edu Nursing?: of course | Comments: Just your friendly Dr. Maurer look-alike saying hi. Dr. Penckofer told me about your site so I am just checking it out. Dr. J |
David E Sapp - 07/25/98 18:50:52 | Comments: Hello Matt ,tell jim to give me a call next time you are in Rockford, Lynn and I would love to see you again |
Guess Who? - 07/24/98 12:08:10 My URL:http://www.xta.com My Email:Atreist@xta.com Juggling Preference: small dogs and children Nursing?: dont even go there Matt. | Comments: Not bad buddy , its a pretty neat site.....you did good! |