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Dr. Wei Peng
Engineering Software Programming in Contact and Continuum Mechanics, Boundary Element Modeling , Finite Element Modeling , Nano / Macro Tribology in Information Storage Systems, Computer Graphics |
11/01~ present |
Developed 3-D numerical models to simulate the thermo-magneto-mechanical performance of the head / media interface in HAMR (Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording). A boundary element based code is developed in FORTRAN and benchmarked with ANSYS / Mechanical. |
09/98~ 06/01 |
Developed a 3-D numerical model to simulate the contact of layered elastic/plastic solids with random rough surfaces. A boundary element based code is developed in FORTRAN. |
01/01~ 06/01 | Performed MPI-based parallel programming on a shared memory supercomputer to accelerate the computation of the 3-D contact model; designed a Graphical User Interface with C++; built a Vector Field Visualization class for VTK to render the 3D stress and strain vector fields |
01/99~ 12/99 | Measured surface roughness of magnetic tape and cartridge components with AFM, WYKO, and Tencor; performed numerical simulation and experimental verification on the tribological behavior between the tape and the bearing surfaces of the cartridge in Micro / Nano scale |
09/97~ 09/98 | Developed a 3-D numerical model for the contact of surfaces with multi-modal roughness distributions. The model was applied in surface finishing and coating deposition processes to predict the bimodal distribution effect |
Ph.D. | 2001 |
Nanotribology Laboratory for Information Storage and MEMS/ NEMS |
The Ohio State University | Columbus, Ohio |
M.S. | 2003 | Computer & Information Science | The Ohio State University | Columbus, Ohio |
M.S. | 1996 |
Computer Integrated Manufacturing |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University | Shanghai, China |
B.S. | 1993 | Machine Design | Xi'an Jiao Tong University | Xi'an, China |
11/01~ present |
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01/97~ 09/97 |
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04/96 ~ 06/97 |
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10/94 ~ 02/96 |
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02/93 ~ 09/96 |
Certification of completion of ANSYS training |
National Rank Certificate (License) for Computer Software Engineer |
Graduate Teaching Assistant Certification, The Ohio State University |
Peer Review for Journal of Tribology, ASME |
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) |
Member, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) |
Council of Graduates Students, Professional Development Fund Travel Awards 2001 |
National Science Foundation, NATO Advanced Study Institute Travel Awards 2000 |
Peng W. and Hsia Y. T. (2003), Wear modeling of the head / disk interface with low fly height, JSME, (invited).
Peng W. and Bhushan B.(2003), Transient analysis of sliding contact of elastic / plastic solid, Microsystem Technologies 9, 340-345.
Bhushan B. and Peng W. (2002), Contact mechanics of layered rough surfaces in tribology , Appl. Mech. Rev. 55, 435-480.
Peng W. and Bhushan B. (2002), Sliding contact analysis of layered elastic/plastic solids with rough surfaces , ASME J. Tribol. 124, 46-61.
Peng W. and Bhushan B. (2001), Three-dimensional contact analysis of layered elastic / plastic solids with rough surfaces , Wear 249, 741-760.
Peng W. and Bhushan B. (2001), A numerical three-dimensional model for the contact of layered elastic / plastic solids with rough surfaces by variational principle , ASME J. Tribol. 123, 330-342.
Peng W. and Bhushan B. (2000), Numerical contact analysis of layered rough surfaces for magnetic head slider-disk contact , J. Info. Storage Proc. Syst. 2, 263-280.
Peng W. and Bhushan B. (2000), Modeling of surfaces with bimodal roughness distribution , Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part J: J. Eng. Tribol. 214, 459-470.
Peng W. (1998), Generation of solids with complicated contours in UG environment, Auto. Sci. & Tech. 6, 13-26.
Li F. and Peng W. (1998), Modeling of CAD/CAM system for foundry molds, Auto. Sci. & Tech. 5, 30-37.
Peng W. (1996), Optimization of logical functions for digital controlled machine tools, Auto. Sci. & Tech. 5, 36-40.
Peng W. and Hsia Y. T. (2003), Three-dimensional thermo-mechanical analysis of layered elastic / plastic solids, Boundary Element Method XXV, WIT Press, U.K. ISBN: 1-85312-980-1
Bhushan B., Peng W., and Kattner M. (1999), Tribological analysis of cartridge components, CMCL Technical report 99-01. (Storage Technology Inc. & Imation Corp)
Peng W. (2003), Thermo-magneto-mechanical analysis of head/disk interface in heat assisted magnetic recording, Fourth International Conference on Tribology of Information Storage Devices, Monterey, CA.
Peng W. (2003), Evolution of interfacial wear at the head-disc interface, Fourth International Conference on Tribology of Information Storage Devices, Monterey, CA.
Peng W. (2003), A boundary element model for thermo-mechanical analysis of layered elastic / perfectly plastic solids, 15th International Conference on Boundary Element Technology, Detroit, MI.
Peng W. (2003), Wear modeling of head/disk interface with low fly height, IIP/ISPS Joint MIPE, Yokohama, Japan.
Peng W. (2002), Transient analysis of sliding contact of elastic/plastic solid with rough surfaces, 13th Annual Symposium on Information Storage and Processing Systems, Santa Clara, CA.
Peng W. (2001), Sliding contact analysis of layered elastic/plastic solids, ASME/STLE Internationa Joint Tribology Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Peng W. (2000), A numerical three-dimensional model for the contact of layered elastic / plastic solids with rough surfaces by variational principle, ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, Seattle, WA.
Peng W. (2000), Three -dimensional contact analysis of layered elastic/plastic solids with rough surface, NATO Advanced Study Institute, Keszthely, Hungary.
W. (1999), Modeling of Surfaces with bimodal roughness distribution,
44th Magnetism & Magnetic Materials conference, San Jose, CA.
Engineering | Applied Finite Element methods, Geometric modeling, CAD/CAM for mold, CIM system, Knowledge-based computer simulation, Numerical analysis, Parallel computing, Adv 3D Image Generation , Scientific visualization, Elasticity, Solid mechanics, Mathematical physics, Advanced Tribology |
Statistics | Mathematical statistics, Stochastic processes, Applied regression analysis |
Computer Technology | Automata and formal languages, Assembly language, Computability and unsolvability, Analysis of algorithms, Programming methods, Software engineering, Operating systems, Computer architecture, Database system, Java, Unix |
Specialize in advanced numerical simulation & modeling |
Proficient with CG/CAD/CAM/CAE systems |
Interaction with advanced computer technology |
Experience in troubleshooting, project coordination |
Programming |
FORTRAN, C / Visual C++, Java |
Engineering Tools | UniGraphics V17, Pro-Engineer, ANSYS 6.1, ABAQUS, Autocad, IDEAS-OpenGL, Solid Edge, ProCAM, Simulink, AMESim, Matlab, Minitab, Maple, EES, IPA |
Computer Graphics & Visualization | Visualization Toolkit, OpenGL |
Platforms & Environments | MS Windows / NT, UNIX, SSH Secure Shell, MS DOS, MS-Office |
Mandarin |
Limited use of Japanese |
Finite Difference Method | Introduction |
Finite Element Method | Finite-Element Method Books |
Boundary Element Method | Scaled Boundary Finite-Element Method |
Solution of Contact Problem | Coupling of Mixed Finite Elements and Boundary Elements for A Hyperelastic Interface Problem |
Numerical Program | Finite Element and numerical Methods with Integrable Differentiable Objects |
Computer Graphics | Computer Graphics Projects |