Are u hungry?

Well it's time to eat FanChoy!
Well, I would say that this is one of the craziest parts of Sec1/2. It's sort of a long story about how this club and members came about, so here it is:
The FanChoy Commitee..
 Once upon a time, somewhere last month, ummm,
i think it was the 15th
of July, a group of us Sec1/2 girls were all eating 
Fan Choy in the school's
canteen. It so happened that a majority of us were 
drinking the drink H20 too.
So, in a blink of an eye, PRESTO!
and we came up with the fantastic idea of the 
And that is the long story. 
Mad eh? Perhaps at this moment you might be wondering, what in the world is Fan Choy? Well, it is actually just rice with some char siew (or so I think...)Here's a be-oo-tiful pic of it below:

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