15 August 2002: Gosh! it's been 4 years since we first started this page... I mean we're all in JC now... how scary... not sure why I'm doing this... just in one of my usual sentimental moods I guess... and I shall not blabber on too much (which I am very capable of)... Hmm...now how do you use html... Ok so hello grown-up babies (if anyone still comes here that is), stay happy and KEEP THE GOOD MEMORIES WITH YOU 'KAY...
I sincerely apologise for that lousy poem... but I guess nothing should be removed right...
And I'll try really really hard to have a little gathering... i hope...
Hey there people! I'm sorry the hidey-hole hasn't been re-furnished for sometime..what with exams and such. Well anywae, exams are overrrrr (yay!!!!)but there's these 2 weeks left we will still be considered as a class. *sOb* So I just hope everybody will enjoy themselves (nevermind those results, good or bad!) for these 2 weeks and make yourselves comfortable here! But doncha worry, this page will be left here (forever and ever and ever and ever...) for everybody to come back and rEcOlleCt pReCiOuS mEmOrIes! And for non-sec1/2 people..this page can be viewed to remember what a wonderful class we are! (were?) Have fun!
For 1/2 girls, others, just be impressed with my poetry ( jus kiddin )
We 1/2 will always stay as 1/2
No matter rain or shine
We will still be the one & only 1/2
We might make new friends
But don't forget the old
Coz new friends are silver
And old friends are gold
We will have recess together
And continue our fan choy club
And no matter what happens
Our friendship and love would be forever and last
~ Peg ~ ( i love u all )
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Most of the graphics have been specially 'hand-made' by Sec1/2 girls, so they are Copyright© We would appreciate it if you do not copy them for your funny purposes. Thankx.