Belknap College Alumni

Before I take you to our web site, I'd like to thank all of you who've visited and updated or added your information to our database.  The data we built this site from was quite old, so any new information about yourself or others is greatly welcomed.

Please spread the word that this site exists!  We want you to have a complete and up-to-date source of information about your classmates, but we need your help.

While browsing this site, look for the names of your old friends - if you don't find someone who should be listed here, email me with whatever information you have about them (no matter how old it is) and I'll add it to the database.

I also want to remind you that your comments are of value to us!  Please take a moment to tell us about yourself (and your family) - make it informative, witty, whatever.  We have a section of this site dedicated to posting anything you want to share with us, so give us your input!

Remember - this is YOUR site, so help us make it the best!

