I just started this list, but hope to add lots more information.
- “Every day is the best day I’ve ever had.
Every day there is a great class.
Every day there is a terrible class.
Every day is different.
Every day goes by faster than the day before.
Every day I want to quit.
Every day I want to be a teacher for the rest of my life.”
– Anonymous
- “Children start school as question marks and leave as periods.” – Neil Postman
- "pencil sharpening almost killed me...literally." rationale for not stealing pencils from the 'pencil hospital' lending system: "If you take away one of the nurses, who will take care of the sick pencils?" reenactment of teacher frustration at pencil problems: "...and I'm like augggh! Get a pencil!"
- phonics tip: the letter h makes the sound "huh huh huh (huffing and puffing)" because the g is running and trying to catch it.
- things I might not choose to say if I were a guidance counselor that I heard at a middle school orientation in the Bronx...on hazing for new 6th graders: "...and then it happens again in high school. That's just the way life is." "Guess what? Before it gets better, it's going to get a whole lot worse." on peer pressure: "You'll handle it. Most of our kids can handle it." after a kid asked whether he or she would get beat up by older kids in 6th grade: "I'm not going to disagree with you on that one."
- from Gary Rubenstein's workshop on his teaching experiences and tips...after he screams "When you scream like that, you get ten minutes of silence." "Watch out -- the kid who offers to help you pass out papers could be the first kid to stab you in the back." on phrasing class rules negatively: "It's 'Thou shalt not kill,' not 'Thou shalt not prevent others from living.' If it's good enough for God, it's good enough for you, too." "If a kid comes in and says, 'Man, why'd you call my parents?' that's free advertising." on the nerd-like persona he chose and was successful with for his second year: "my normal expression was generally squinty...(students) liked me because they thought I was a weirdo. I knw that one thing I'm good at is being shy and sort of creepy around strangers. I used that to my advantage."
- parent at Teach for America parent meeting in the fall: "Well, I'm coming, bat in hand. You didn't call me so now I'm here in your face..."
- "You don't have detention, you're just exit delayed."
-- one of the teacher comebacks of the day from this one teacher's page-a-day calendar
- a veteran teacher I work with, to me at some point this afternoon when she was laughing about so many children not being able to follow her simple directions: (as a teacher) You've got to have a sense of humor or you'll kill a kid."
- fellow first year teacher, on how it is for him to teach his class: "It's like getting beat up every day."
- "A child's success in first grade reading looks like the single best predictor and in fact an awesomely powerful predictor -- of his or her ultimate educational outcome, however you measure it." -- Marilyn Jager Adams
....ˇmore to come!
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