My name is Kate. I live in Winston-Salem, North Carolina as a graduate student at Wake Forest University in the Master's program in Counseling. Before that, I taught Spanish bilingual first grade in northern New Jersey -- pretty close to New York City -- as a Corps Member with Teach for America. I am originally from San Jose, CA. I went to Rogers Middle School, and Prospect High School. In May 2002, I graduated from UC Berkeley (Go Bears!) with a B.A. in Psychology and a minor in City and Regional Planning.

Although I find it difficult to summarize my interests, I guess the main things I spend my free time doing are altruistic and volunteer activities, learning about careers that interest me, and learning fun facts and new skills.

  • career goals: I am currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Community Counseling with an objective of working as a counselor first in a college or university setting and later as a private practitioner for career or marriage and family counseling. However, I still very much enjoy working with younger students and non-profit organizations and am still considering any career opportunity that fits with my passions.
  • what bugs me : when someone is half-listening to others, when someone discourages or dislikes another person for no good reason, knowingly cheating to get ahead, and closed-mindedness and intolerance/not accepting diversity of all kinds (especially of religious beliefs or lack thereof and sexual orientation).
  • favorite books : Why Bad Things Happen to Good People (Kushner), Why Christianity Must Change or Die (John Shelby Spong), MANY teaching books (my favorites so far are The First Days of School by Harry and Rosemary Wong and Excellent Classroom Management by Carl Rinne), Nickel and Dimed (Barbara Ehrenreich), What Color is Your Parachute? and other books by Richard Bolles, and MANY others!
  • favorite classes at Cal: MCB 61 with Presti (Brain, Mind, and Behavior), Psychology 1 with Covington and the seminar I took with him (Intro to Psych), Psychology 150 with John (Personality Psychology), Psychology 180 -- (Industrial & Organizational Psychology), Sociology 156 (Thought Reform and Social Control), Poli Sci 105 (The Politician), City Planning 114 (Transportation Planning), and Public Policy 190 by Glaser (if it's on The Psychology of Prejudice, Discrimination, and Stereotyping)
  • favorite quote : 'If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person' - Fred Rogers

    go back to the index

    If you have any questions about college, organizations I've been involved with (see links page), or anything else about my site, I'd be happy to hear from and answer you. Mail me at katalina55@yahoo.com

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