check out the new webpage for PTPS, a student-run volunteer organization I have worked with at school...we teach free SAT classes to low-income high schoolers in the East Bay.
take this fun, free quiz to see where your spiritual beliefs currently fall -- this quiz matches you up with belief systems that your answers indicate you might be aligned with
look at this cool site that shows techniques for memorizing
the digits of pi...I haven't ever been bored enough to actually
do that, but just in case (thanks to my sister) I know how I might go about doing that!
during finals time one semester, my friend Eric and I travelled on BART -- Bay Area Rapid Transit -- for about 21 hours straight...Ħif you'd like to read a little bit about that, please visit our page!
żAre you travelling somewhere you think might be boring this summer? żDo you enjoy random trivia? If so, this site may interest includes a wealth of information on interesting (mostly lesser-known) U.S. tourist attractions such as corn mazes in Iowa, various shoe trees, and large, random structures.
This site allows you to choose a book you're willing to part with, register it for free at the website, write a journal entry about it, print out an ID label, stick the label in the book, and leave it somewhere (bus, plane, restaurant, park bench, etc.) in hopes that someone will find the book and go to the website and report the finding, read the book, write a journal entry and leave it for someone else to find and so on...I haven't done it yet, but this sounds very exciting to me.
I can see the Empire State Building from my apartment window and discovered this site, which tells what color lighting will be used each day and (if applicable) why it is colored -- pretty fun!
this worthwhile site allows you to donate to a wide variety of meaningful causes (such as hunger, homelesness, HIV, or gay rights) with a simple click of your mouse at no charge to you