- go to all the exciting links I have on my homepage
- visit a random website
- get your own free homepage
- think about things that you or your friends have complaints about and devise a way to improve the system -- if you come up with something and do it, it will be rewarding and probably help others, and if there is truly no way to help out, you can tell yourself you tried as hard as you could and there's no reason to complain
- spend one day doing helpful things (at no cost - such as shopping for an elderly neighbor when you are going to the grocery store anyway and helping kids learn to read) for people you know and meet
- make new friends by joining a community group in your
city or neighborhood or volunteering
- rearrange your furniture
- go to the library, get a free card (if you don't have
one), and check out books, magazines, CDs, or videos that
interest you -- many libraries allow you to borrow paintings so you can redecorate your room or home for free!
- search for old friends on the internet
- learn how to play a musical instrument
- take a nap and try to control your dreams
- make a cassette tape of your favorite songs that come
on the radio and keep it for yourself OR give it to a friend
- apply for a job you're interested in to get money and relieve your boredom
- attend free classes or community programs (look for
listings in the local section of your newspaper)
- send surprise cards or letters to your friends or to random addresses!
- clean your house and have a garage sale with the things you want to get rid of
- send letters to celebrities or public officials (positive or negative)
- learn about the public transportation system in your city and see what exciting places you can travel to on five dollars
- learn a bunch of left-handedness trivia even if you're not left-handed! (see my left-handedness page)
- teach yourself to write with your non-dominant hand
- get really good at a certain game or sport and compete with everyone you know until you can beat them all!
- learn to juggle -- I recommend reading 'Juggling for the Complete Klutz' by John Cassidy and B.C. Rimbeaux published by Klutz Press or going to this website to get started.
- learn some magic tricks to impress your friends, relatives, and pets. Generally, websites and newsgroups for magicians don't want to teach you how to do magic tricks, but would be happy to answer specific questions you may have about tricks you own or have read about. The best resource I have found for people interested in learning magic tricks is 'Mark Wilson's
Complete Course in Magic' ISBN# 0-89471-6239. This has about 500 pages of great instructions on basic coin, card, and stage magic illusions and is well worth its $40 price. Also, if you'd like to order individual tricks (which come with instructions), Hank Lee's Magic Factory is the most reasonably-priced place I've found. It carries a wide range of tricks, for any budget (some are only $3 or so!).
- go to a secondhand store or rummage sale and see what treasures you can find
- (this one's a step down from the last one, but a lot of fun!) go to the local dump or recycling center and haul some useful stuff home with you
- if you're a high school student and bored of your classes, many local community colleges offer free enrollment to high school students during the academic year (and costs are reasonable during the summer, too).
- read your best friend's or one of your close family members' favorite book and have him or her read yours -- you may learn a lot about each other
- write in your diary or make an audio tape of your thoughts and feelings and favorite things to do. When you look review it again in a few years, you'll be glad you took the time.
- surprise strangers or friends by secretly committing Random Acts of Kindness and not expecting anything in return. Go to the official website for ideas and true stories. If you're interested, also check out Oprah's Kindness Site.
- go to Barnes and Noble and read the children's books and try to learn from them or go to a random section and start reading
- sit somewhere busy (like the Embarcadero BART station during rush hour or any airport) and observe people's actions or make new friends
- go somewhere peaceful and silent and just think for a while
- think about your goals in life and then try to meet one of them!
- learn how to say interesting phrases in languages you don't know
- clean or reorganize your room (this one came to me because I'm sitting here editing and realizing how many papers I managed to accumulate in the past four weeks -- d'oh!)
- meet random cool people online on ICQ or IM -- it's fun to make connections with people from all never know, maybe you'll meet them again sometime!
- make a compilation of your favorite songs or quotations or experiences -- it'll be fun to prepare and it will be great to look back at later!
to be continued...
one cool quote I ran across is, 'Is not life a hundred times too short for us to bore ourselves?' -- Nietzche
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