You have been admitted to the left-handers' page! Learn about famous lefties and interesting left-hander facts...This page is still under construction and I am still gathering information, but I would appreciate an e-mail from you if you see any mistakes (e.g. athletes who I have on the list who I have listed as playing the wrong sport). My lefty list IS NOT taken from any others on the Internet; I compiled a list from books and magazines that I have come across (mostly the books I referenced below, many issues of Lefthander Magazine, and multiple articles and fact-a-day calendar entries). Because of this, most of my information should be accurate. Thanks for visiting and come back soon for updates!

Since today is July 17, there are Only 27 more days until International Lefthanders Day!!!



Mark your calendars! August 13 of every year is International Left-Handers Day. This special date has existed since 1976, when the date was created by Dean Campbell (founder of Lefthander magazine). This event was held on the 13th to make fun of all the superstitions surrounding left-handedness.

Show everyone that you're left-handed. Instead of using normal smileys, which look like this: :) or =) or :-), use left-handed smileys, like these: (: or (= or (-: That's one way to help make everyone realize that left-handedness is super, not sinister!


  1. The Left-Hander's Guide to Life by Leigh W. Rutledge and Richard Donley (ISBN#0-452-26845-1, if you could only buy/look at one left-handedness book, this would be the one to choose)
  2. The Left-Hander Syndrome by Stanley Coren (some information in this about left-handers dying young is now thought to be inaccurate, although the rest of the book is interesting)
  3. The Natural Superiority of the Left-Hander by James T. deKay (ISBN#0-87131-307-3, book with cute illustrations and interesting info.)
  4. Left-Handed Kids: Why Are They So Different? by James T. deKay (ISBN#0-87131-591-2, also has cute illustrations, a little shorter than the other deKay book)

more to come...

A great site with lots more lefty information and good links isgo back to main page

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day! =) and remember that left is right!

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