Welcome Everyone!

Hello All and Welcome!!!
My name is Erin and this is my home.

I guess I will start off this little visit to my home by telling alittle about myself. I was born on August 15, 1978, which would make me 23 years old. I live in Illinois with my parents, 21 year old brother and my 8 year old dog (Brutus).

I graduated from LPHS in 1996. I graduated with an AA degree in Art from IVCC in 1998. I majored in art for a year at NIU. After a being out of school for 3 years, I decided to go back and get my BS in Digital Communicatons at Franklin University. I work full-time at Boise Office Solutions as a customer service rep.

For enjoyment I like to listen to music, hang out with my friends, design web pages, read, and watch soaps. Please click the if you are interested in learning more about my likes and hobbies.

Address Book April '02

Credits January 12

You are the vistor since September 1996 (I got a new counter on May 17, 1998). July 26, 2002

If you have any questions/comments or want to add a link to this page, please feel free to me.

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