The Tech Helper Price List and Services Offered

  • PC/MAC & Network Troubleshooting-on site (1 hour min.):                        $40-50/hour
    --Includes security, upgrades, repair, virus/spyware removal, advice, and new setup (excludes unusually long wait times for scans and installs).
  • Hardware/Software Tutoring:                                                                   $40/hour
    --Available for importing, editing, and printing digital images with Photoshop; digital music management, MP3s, portable music players, burning CDs; archiving DVDs; beginning Office skills, etc.
  • Web Design:                                                                                     $150/per page
    eCommerce:                                                                                     $200/per page
    Scan pictures fee:                                                                          $50 up to 30 pics
    Text/data input of content:                                                                  $50/per page
    Creation of graphics/logos/special effects:                                    $100 or negotiated
    --Includes setup and administration, however hosting services, merchant accounts, etc., must be purchased from a third party. Pages must be limited to approximately 20.8 inches (1500px) in length. Text/data input fee excludes "copy & pasting". (please ask me for more specific information).
  • Consumer Electronics Advice:                                                                 $40.00/hour
    --Includes research and advice for the purchase and setup of Home Theater equipment etc. to therefore make an informed decision based on non-biased facts about the technology.

Please Call 909-215-3700 or to ask about services offered.


sites I've worked on: