Phi Sigma Sigma National

Northern Mich Univ
About Phi Sigma Sigma
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Alumnae Yahoo! group
Regional Map of Alumnae
Bambi (Sisco) Hanna's husband's return from Iraq was photographed.  Click on image to enlarge and read the caption.
NMU Alumni Events
If there is anything you would like added, please email me so I can update!!
Alumni Interviews
Melissa Kelly and Peter Yoder will be getting married in Lancaster, PA January 6, 2006
Nikki Ricci is pursuing a masters of science at Michigan Tech University in Wetland Ecology starting the fall of '05.
Sandra VanEss and Cory Kluth will be getting married on September 30, 2006
Erica Spelman and Luke Jageler will be getting married in the winter of 2006.
Hollie Rebo graduated from MSU's College of Veterinary Medicine on May 5, 2006.  She is currently interviewing for positions in her field.
Tammy (Drzewiecki) Lester and her husband Chris welcomed their second daughter, Slyvia Maria.  Slyvia was born on the morning of September 24th weighing in at 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 21 inces long. 
Kim Monteaux graduated on May 26th, 2006.  Following graduation she will be moving to Vermont  where she accepted a job as the assistant director of student life, director of greek affairs at the University of Vermont.
This fall, Jimi (Kokko) Welsh will be returning to NMU to study Pychology. 
Lisa (Karvonen) LaJoye and her husband Trevor are expecting their second child, a boy on March 26th. 
Are you on My Space?  Check out the Phi Sigma Sigma page that an alumni sister made as another way to keep up with other sisters.  Email if you want a link. 
Lindsey (Bolinger) Bevans and her husband Rich welcomed their second daughter, Madison Grace on January 19th. Madison was born weighing in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces and was 19.5 inches long.
Jenn (Fink) Kemp and her husband Dusty welcomed their first child, Greyson James on February 5th..  Greyson weighed in at 7lbs, 12 ounces and was 20 inches long.
Jen (Strand) Phillips is  expecting her first child, a girl on July 4th..