well, since most of you out there are so visually oriented, here's a picture of myself so you know who's talkin' atcha. :)
school, school, school, that's all i've been doing for the past 34 years....oh, such a long time to sit in a classroom (it's given me incredible arthritis, i crack everytime i move, you wouldn't know to look at me that i'm only 19....i have the body of a 62 year old....damn education! down with organized teaching!
hehe....just a joke :)
but i do go to college (click here to learn more about Saint Mary College), and i like it so much i'm planning on being a professional student. or at least stay in school as long as possible. and then when i finally get out...i think i want to teach (hopefully at a college so i can do some microbiology research). that should be fun :)
Whoa! what the hell is a fish doing here?!
how odd!
my links are kinda varied and mildly random....and honestly just barely begin to cover my interests. but there needs to be a starting point, so here goes:
volleyball....i love it. i've been playing for quite some time now, and even for my college.
tennis....it's a new passion of mine :) it's similar to volleyball (well, both sports involve a ball of somesort), but even more similar to ping pong (table tennis for you fanatics). ping pong is skill i picked up purely by chance and boredom (kinda like html programming)
hey! click on the smiley face
to see what makes me happy....
be prepared....
the stuff on this page definitely falls under
the cheese category. :)
Here's a picture of me after i got done rollerblading to a friends house. i usually don't look this disheveled. ask any of my friends....never am i seen in jeans and a t-shirt, and i can't believe this picture actually shows me without my usual make-up and poofy hair-do ;)
okay....hmmm....what else can i possibly link to? well, i had mono for a while this summer so, if you're the least bit interested..... go here
what is existentialism, you ask? well, thanks for sticking with me for so long...it's been fun :) but before you go.....find out where the star (updated: 8/7/98)
e-me s'il vous plait
© 1997 kt_greene@hotmail.com
*WHO is this girl in the tennis skirt you are wondering?
well...i'll tell ya, a rainbow can mean many things. like it just rained and there's something funky with the sky making a really neat, colorful arc-shaped form.....or, something about pots of gold (that would deal with the irish and some leprechauns, i think)....or, perhaps a rainbow can mean something else. click on my flag to see ;)
okay....looks to me that if you're still here, that means you want to learn more. so here it is. i support amnesty international and even have a page for it. i also have a page for wangari maathai...an incredible kenyan woman who's done so much for the women of her country...and i've even met her!
heck....i don't even know. but i am intrigued by it....enough to read some books and even write a page (complete with nifty picuteres of mostly dead poeple). e-me with questions...i'll try to answer as best as i can :) takes you...the staff here at katie's homepage picked a site haphazardly from the vast internet for all you spontaneous folk out there :)
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