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 Howdy!!!  If you ran a search for hot studs, then you came to the right place.  If you're a lady, you're probably thinking: "Hey! That's the Asian Tom Cruise!!  How is a wall-of-lust like him still single??".  I know, I can't figure it out either.  It's like the pope not being able to find a bible.  Anyways, I'm glad you show'd up, and let's hope this webpage melts your butter, figuratively that is.  Get up and check your refrigerator now just in case.  If any melting of butter occurs, then notify your local pediatrician, they'll know what to do.  By the way, a simple glance around will tell you that my html skills are horrible, which is why I used frontpage to make it.  So I blame the fact that this webpage sucks all on man's reliance on technology.

An American and a Canadian in love?  Can it be???  It wabbles the mind!  Her pet name for me is "He-Man: Master of the Universe", and I call her "Cheesy Toast".  Well, at least in the great theatre of my mind she calls me such.  But I'm sure if we met in real life she'd fall automatically in love with me.  How could she not!! By the way, the lady to my left is the one and only Ms. Carly Pope.

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