*** Be Sure to Check Out Boxes on the Independent Film Channel  - Wednesday February 21 8:00pm Pacific***


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side3 - your box

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side5 - making of

side6 - news


coyote arm films and mondrado filmworks present
a rene besson picture

this film deals with the boxes that dominate our everyday lives.
from the box you drive to work in,
to the box  w/ 500 channels,
to the box that you work out of,
to the box that tells you who is calling -
from the cradle to the coffin...
life is a series of boxes.


look around you right now, you're in one

Win Great 'boxes' prizes in conjunction with the Independent Film Channel


"boxes has a great script and solid ideas.  digital filmmakers should look at this film as an example of what they should be aspiring to."

"an amazing debut from director rene besson and writer james portolese."

-Chris Gore

publisher of filmthreat.com and host of the new movie show on FX


boxes... updates...







boxes is going went to park city utah, january 2001

keep checking 

www.humanboxes.com and www.nodance.com

 for updates and info


break out of your box... just by telling us about yours...

enter a chance to win a free copy of boxes... every comment on our feedback page has a chance to win one of five free vhs copies of boxes... signed by the writer and director... 

how to break out of your box...

GET $5.00 FOR FREE WHEN YOU BUY BOXES ONLINE! Buy BOXES for only $9.95 + $3.00 s&h (U.S.) If you would like to purchase the VHS version of BOXES and get $5.00 for FREE, you can order it online with your credit card through PayPal, It's faster, safer and easier than mailing a personal check- best of all, it’s FREE! As soon as you sign up, confirm your email address and verify a bank account, PayPal will automatically send you $5! 


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the boxes soundtrack featuring dj kool-aid


James Portolese 323-469-3805
Electronic mail
General Information: thedecade@yahoo.com

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Send mail to thedecade@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2000 boxes. you're in it.
Last modified: February 16, 2001