Zeta Phi Beta Sorority was founded January 16, 1920 on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C. by five coeds. These women dared to depart from the traditional coalitions for Black women and sought to establish a new organization predicated on the precepts of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. The trail blazed by the founders has been traversed by thousands of women dedicated to the emulation of the objectives and ideals of the Sorority.
Epsilon Lambda Zeta Chapter
Chapter Basileus: Soror Mary Hawkins
Soror Shalanda Washington
Soror Annie Rogers
Soror Linda Durham
Soror Tracie Henry
Soror Esel Bell
Kimberly Brown
Soror Andrea Miller
Josalynn Freeman
Soror Pauline Bonner
Soror Gazella Boothe
Soror Amy Boykin
Soror Alberta Brady
Soror Aundria Brown
Soror LaDonna Robinson
Soror Easter Hayes
Soror Robbye Johnson
If you are interested in participating in community service events, please email:
Soror Willa Marion
Soror Vivian Neal Clark
Soror Remonda Robinson
Soror Kimberly Scott
Soror Joahanne Smith
Soror Gertrude Tapscott
Soror Kertari Toler
Soror Thoymmee Phillips
Soror Edna Smith
Soror Diane Turnquest
Soror Tressy Wilson
Soror Katrice Offord
Soror Tonya Dennis
Soror Kimberly Cobbs
Soror Celeste McNeil
Soror Yolanda Thomas
Soror Freda Washington
Southern Region
Greek Stepshow tapes
Simply Greek
Prairie View A&M
    Epsilon Lambda Zeta chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., was established on the campus of Prairie View A&M University on May 22, 1954. We currently have 35 members and we are responsible for the largest undergraduate chapter in the Southern Region, the Omega Gamma Chapter.
     We host and participate in numerous events in the Waller county area. Some of our frequent community service events are volunteering at retirement centers in Hempstead, TX., Voter Registration drives, working with the area youth, and publishing Health Awareness guides.
Zeta Headquarters
ZPBS Times
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Located in Prairie View, Texas
Chapter Members
Promotional Items and More!!!
Chapter Events