bulletStatistical Methods used in Quality Improvement
bulletSPC and Capability Analysis
bulletAcceptance Sampling


Definition of Quality

Traditional's View : Fitness for use

Modern' s View: Proportional to variability


Natural Variation Unnatural Variation
Chance Causes Assignable Causes
Common Causes Special Causes
Chronic Problems Sporadic Problems

NV consists of many individual causes

UV consists of just one or just a few individual causes

Any one chance cause results in a minute amount of variation

Any one assignable cause can result in a large amount of variation






Chance cause cannot economical eliminated from a process

Assignable causes can be detected and action to eliminate them is usually economically justified

With only natural variation, the process is in control and predictable
With unnatural variation present, the process is not stable and unpredictable
An observation within the control limits means that the process is in control and shall not be adjusted
An observation beyond the control limits means that the process shall be investigated and corrected
Further or Necessary Action
Reduction of NV requires Management intervention at the system level by making changes to the system
Elimination of UV requires Operator intervention at the Operation level by fixing local faults


















    Process Capability Ratio Cp,  is a measure of the ability to manufacture product that meets the specification.




            Specification Limit        Percentage Inside specification        ppm Defective

            +/- 1 sigma                    68.27                                             317300
            +/- 2 sigma                    95.45                                             45500
            +/- 3 sigma                    99.73                                             2700
            +/- 4 sigma                    99.9937                                          63
            +/- 5 sigma                    99.999943                                       0.57
            +/- 6 sigma                    99.9999998                                     0.002

            For a +/- 3 sigma control limits, there will be a 0.27% chance the process points will fall out of
            the limits when the process is in control. In another words, for every 370 (1/0.27%) points,
            there will be an out of control point.


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