to Reck's Krib! You'll find some cool shit here... I'll try
to update this page as much as I can,
May 22, 2000 The LAST update ever... yeah, it's been about a year, but nobody checks this ish out anyway. I removed that one section cause i ain't into that anymore, and i don't want that ish hauntin me. So, this is it. Sorry I didn't maintain the page, but it don't really matter, it was fun for awhile. peace out, and thanks for the support!! July 17, 1999 Finally updated the page today! Sorry for the delay. I updated my list of cds in the mp3 section, added Reese Witherspoon to Da Hoez section, and added a few hoez coming soon. More soon. April 29, 1999 Added 4 more MP3s to the MP3z section. Check em out. Reese Witherspoon is coming very soon. April 24, 1999 Damn.... This is the first update in awhile... Sorry 'bout that. I put up 3 new MP3z in the Mp3 section. These are custom made by myself, so you won't find them anywhere else. I put them on a Tripod site, so I'm not sure if they will always be available. The Hoez section was rearranged, and there's a list of Hoez coming soon. I'll get those pics up as soon as I can. I also updated my links page. There will be more to come. March 15, 1999 Added Traci Bingham to da hoez section. (Requested by Michael Markham) March 14, 1999 It's finally done! I've redone the site, and now I can do updates. I already updated da hoez section alot... Check it out. Also, my boy Eric Luecking (aka RapMan77) made this tight azz parody of No Limit. You need to check this out! It's Hilarious - March 13, 1999 Well, I'm not exactly on schedule, but I finished redoing "Da Hoez" and "MP3z" sections. Both are now much better. I will put up more MP3z and more hoez soon. I'll probably finish the last 2 sections tonight. February 6, 1999 I'm in the process
of redoing the page. So far, I have only updated this page and Bass
P's Palace. I hope to have the rest of the page up and working by
the end of the month. If you have any suggestions,drop
me a line.