Joseph's Top Ten Lists

The following "Top Ten" lists serve to inform as well as to entertain your off. Enjoy!





NEW! As my time on Panama is coming to an end, here are a few things that I have learned (some, the hard way) so far while living in Panama.

  Top Ten Things I Have Learned While Living in Panama
10. Don't look like a tourist, try to blend in.
9. Carry lots of small change and always try to break your $20 bills.
8. Always look both ways before crossing the street, even if it IS a one way street.
7. When getting on a bus, sit as close to the front as possible or next to a HOT Panamanian.
6. Machetes are REAL sharp.
5. Don't give dirty looks to guards with big shot guns.
4. If a guy on the street is selling flowers and has a white rose, he's also selling marijuana.
3. Don't drink rum, vodka and champagne on the same night.
2. Always carry an umbrella during rainy season.
1. Always wash yourself thoroughly (especially around the genetalia) after having any kind of sexual relations with someone you have known for less than a week.

One of the themes of my website is to illustrate to you people why I think I'm the "Luckiest Bastard Alive". Here were some of those points:

  Top 10 Reasons Why I'm the Luckiest Bastard Alive!
10. Sleeping-in till noon everyday.
9. I get to wear beach shorts and t-shirts to work; & beach shorts don't require underwear.
8. There are 5 nudie bars within a 3 block radius around my house.
7. You think you've met the hottest Panamanian one day, and the next day, she introduces you to her friend who is even hotter!!
6. I don't have to answer to anyone.
5. Constantly surrounded by HOT Latino women.
4. I live in a beautiful house that has everything, located in the middle of everything , with a maid that cleans my room each day.
3. My parents are very, very far away.
2. I have friends who give a shit about me to actually read my shit on my shitty website.
1. Two words: "well hung" *

*Untrue. But if you're laughing, then I've done my job

You all know I have an uncontrollable obsession with the women down here, here's why:

  Top 10 Things That Make Panamanian Women so damn HOT!
10. Amply chested torsos.
9. Great bouncy hair, full of body and volume.
8. Women: Sexy business suits. Girls: Naughty school girl uniforms.
7. Sexy Spanish tongues.
6. Happy-partying, relaxed attitude.
5. They don't take shit from no one.
4. Soft dark skin.
3. Nice full lips.
2. Tank tops and tight jeans make me sooo happy!!
1. Killer, full figured, non-anorexic bodies and they know how to strut it too!!!!

My poor mom at home is worrying her little heart out because her only son has left home for the first time, and for a long time at that. And all the while not knowing when he's coming home. Here's 10 reasons why I think she wants me to back in Vancouver:

  Top 10 Reasons Why My Mom Wants me to Come Home
10. The VCR is blinking "12:00"
9. Our dog, Coco, is getting out of control; no one mean enough to punish him.
8. Too much food around; needs her human garbage disposal/son.
7. The snow needs to be shovelled.
6. My mother, "Isn't there a war down there?"
5. Afraid that I might fall in love with HOT Panamanian and bring her home.
4. Time to go back to school and get a degree, so she can brag about it after Sunday church.
3. Time to start bringing home some real money.
2. Time to start looking for a beautiful, quiet, fertile, catholic, chinese, future wife that can also cook and clean.
1. Just plain misses her only son.

More lists to come. For example: