Joseph's Hilarious Quotes from
Friends and Family Part II

  You've been begging for more, and now I'm giving it to you. No, not that you sick bastards... I'm talking about more quotes. So, without further delay, here are those precious quotes:

*Again, they are all genuine and unedited and reproduced without any permission.

Have you run out on the necessities? deodorant, underwear, q-tips, biore, clothes, sunscreen, contact solution, Coco, condoms, shit like that.

You should've taken your [tennis] racquet with so you can get some exercise otherwise you might get fat in front of the computer.

Oh, we got the AT&T phone card, I think we're gonna send it to you sometime this week so you can have a looooooong chat with ma-ma.
[her status]...overbearing, overprotective

Happy belated birthday !! That's one hell of a present you got -- puke, fever, and diarrhea too !! What more could you ask for !?!

not who you think it is; for me to know, and you to not find out:
i am not amused by your little web page. please go back and take out all the stuff you wrote about me--i am not interested in the whole world be able to read that. i am not kidding.

Okay, well, have fun. Don't drink tooooo much. Send us a freaken post card moron! Love ya!

Oh yeah, speaking of babes, I saw your web page (you are the luckiest bastard alive), don't forget to hook a brother up. Get the names & numbers and I go back to Panama with you one of these days.

someone RE: my previous Quotes section:
i have a serious question for you, one of your pals wrote you about cheap hookers..? i want you to tell me straight out if you have any STDīs.

looks like you're having lotsa fun but at the same time learning and experiencing a lot too (and not to mention all the hot babes you meet along the way!)...sheesh, "you're da man!"... hey, what about that teaching assistant,eh?

Sister: deposited $[amt]CAD in your account, not US!  I don't know why he did it or who made him, but he did so, don't complain.  You can thank him later.  Just make sure you buy him a souvenir!!  A wacky shirt or something, shirt with collar and most importantly ONE POCKET on the left side!  That's a must!

So how are you enjoying Panama ? .... How are the nudie bars !!!!  You must be partying all night !

My new inspiration for doing my website (I did not make this up):
... I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to take the time to think about how fortunate I am to be able to hang with a guy like you once in awhile.
Thanks very much for taking the time to do the page, and for having the guts to be yourself. You have my sincere admiration.
I don't think people envy you so much as they wish they had the spirit you do.