since Nov 98:
This site is best viewed at 800x600 resolution, w/ at
least 24bit color
Last updated:
June 29, 199:
Added resume
June 9,1999: *Redesign of main page, *Living on Utila,
Bay Islands, *Joseph's 411
April 6, 1999:
Panama's Only Nudie Bar Guide
March 26,
1999. 4 Crazy Days of Carnival, New Top Ten List, The Story
behind "NoNeckJoe"
It has been a
while since my last update. You'll find out what I've been up to
in a minute. But first, let me apologize for the girlie-look of
this site. It's this way because...
few weeks ago I called home and my second oldest sister
tells me that her boyfriend flew over from HK and
proposed to her. So now she's engaged and is moving to HK
in June!! What a Total Surprise!! Well Sis, I won't see you for a while, so here's to you and your new life. This Website Update is dedicated to you both!! Best Wishes! And Happy Birthday to two of my sisters in June! |
Now go to
any of the following areas:
Comments, suggestions, complaints,
love letters, etc... |
Sign my guestbook when you're done.
It'll only take a minute: (feel free to re-sign
my guestbook) Hint: Here's a shorter URL to write down that points to this webpage - |
©COPYRIGHT 1999 Joseph Ngo. All artwork/graphics created by me. You may use my artwork as long as you ask me first.