Master Nuno's Page
- Sports Page
- I am creating a Sports Page to keep current information
on Specific Teams
- School Project
- This is a page that currently holds some of my school
- I 'm working on an exciting and explosive CDNOW page
- Poems
- Here I have some personal poems that I have written
- Humourous Pictures
- Some of the funniest pictures (bmp, jpeg, gif) I've seen
on the net
- Soccer
- I love to play soccer and have been playin' for a long
time. I was Freshmen Capitain and 2 time JV Captain for
my High School team. I have also achieved a 3 time Best
Team Player Award.
- Hockey
- Hockey is my favorite sport to watch and play. I totally
love Hockey and watch any team I can. I don't play Ice
Hockey, but I try to get as much Inline Hockey as I can.
- New York Rangers
- This my favorite Hockey team and I salute Wayne Gretzky's
- Programming
- One of my hobbies is creating simple computer programs
using BASIC, PASCAL, or C++ and just fooling around on
the computer
- Nicole
- My first true and most dear love.
- Angela
- My littlte 2 year old best friend.
- 12/04/81
- This is the great day I was born It happened in Monmouth
Medical Center in Long Branch, NJ. At 11:59 pm.
- 12/25/93
- When I received my first computer.
- 04/16/98
- This is when I was hired at Sports
- 05/03/99
- My First Real Girlfriend Nicole.
- 11/05/99
- Unfortunate split up with Nicole ( 6 months and 2 days).
I will always be there.
- Electronic mail address
- or
Copyright 1999
Last revised: November 15, 2000.