We've done it again!

Once more we've gone and chosen a true and undisputed political animal to represent us to the world.

It's like that song by XTC... The Smartest Monkeys about how we've managed to evolve so far since cave man days. We can use our surroundings in all kinds of creative ways: newspapers as blankets; subways as nightime shelters; garbage cans as beds.

It's an amazing world, and us monkeys should feel glad to have this monkey as our new leader. Or maybe we should shoot ourselves, and him first.

I don't know. Somewhere inside me I've got a typically violent male fighting a modern sensitive male for control. Maybe I should just let the crossdresser inside come out until they decide. :)

Oh well, that's enough silly ranting for now. On to the real page...
Onward and... well, onward I guess.