Alpha Phi Omega
Section 70 Guidelines
November 1987
revised: Fall 2000
Part I: Introduction
Section 1 - Purpose of these guidelines
These guidelines include general understandings, expectations, and precedents regarding the organization and administration of Section 70. Their purpose is: to help the chapters, officers, and staff members of Section 70 define and perform their roles and responsibilities, to provide for smooth transitions then sectional and chapter officers and staff members change, and to promote consistency in sectional affairs.
Section 2 - Compliance with the National Bylaws
Nothing in these guidelines may conflict with the National Bylaws of Alpha Phi Omega. Article X of the National Bylaws specifically relates to sections and their operations.
Section 3 - Decisions of Section 70
No decision made by the section can by binding unless there is a quorum of active chapters from Section 70 present to vote. A quorum is defined as more than 50% of the chapters that are recognized as active by the National Office.
Part II: Sectional Staff
Section 1 - Definition of Section Staff
The section staff will consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary / Treasure, and Sergeant-At-Arms. The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary / Treasurer, and Sergeant-At-Arms will be elected for a one-year term at the spring Section 70 Conference. An extension of that staff will be the sectional representative from each chapter. The chair, vice chair, and secretary/treasurer will each be elected for a one year term at the spring Section 70 Conference. The chapter representative will be determined by each chapter.
Section 2 - Elections
Elections of the sectional staff will take place during the spring sectional conference. In the even an election cannot be held, the elections will be postponed until the next conference in which an election can be held, and the current officer(s) will continue to serve until an election can be held or they resign. The elections will be chaired by (in the order listed): the Region IV Director, the current Section 70 Chair who is not running for reelection, or a nonvoting Brother chosen by and unanimously agreed upon by the voting delegates. Per Robert’s Rules of Order for Parliamentary Procedure, the Chair of the election will cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie. Election for each office will be held in the following order: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer. To be elected, a candidate must receive a simple majority of the votes cast. The terms of office will be from the time of election to the next election. In the event the Vice Chair or Secretary/Treasurer is unable to complete the term, the Chair will appoint a replacement. In the event the Chair is unable to complete the term, the Region IV Director will recommend and the National President will appoint a replacement in accordance with Article X of the National Bylaws. There will be no limit as to the number of terms that a Brother can serve. The elected Chair may veto the election of the Vice Chair and/or Secretary/Treasurer. In such an event, the election must be held again. If the Brother is reelected, the Chair’s veto is overridden.
Section 3 - Section 70 Chair
The responsibilities of the Section 70 Chair are to:
01) Establish and maintain active relationships with the chapters in Section 70.
02) Maintain records of the activity in Section 70 and keep the Region IV
Director and National Office informed.
03) Personally visit chapters as often as possible.
04) Assist new chapters with their formation in every way possible.
05) Encourage full participation in sectional, regional, and national conferences,
workshops, seminars, and conventions, and attend those as the representative
of Section 70.
06) Ensure that a sectional conference occurs at least twice a year and work
closely with th3e host chapter in developing the conference program.
07) Communicate concerns of the chapters to the Region IV Director, National
Office, national convention, or sectional conference.
08) Attend called meetings of the Region IV staff.
09) Perform additional tasks as may be assigned by the Region IV Director,
National Office, national convention, or sectional conference.
Section 4 - Section 70 Vice Chair
The responsibilities of the Section 70 Vice Chair are to:
01) Assist the Chair in every way possible.
02) Chair the awards committee.
03) Assume the duties of the Chair, in the event the Chair is unable to perform
them, until the Chair is able to resume them or a new Chair is appointed.
04) Chair the Summer Event Committee in the event that there is perceived
interest shown by the section.
05) Coordinate a Fall section wide event (service and/or fellowship).
Section 5 - Section 70 Secretary/Treasurer
The responsibilities of the Section 70 Secretary/Treasurer are to:
01) Maintain the financial records and administer the funds of Section 70. The
records are to be compiled and forwarded in an up to date condition to the
new Secretary/Treasurer upon completion of term of office.
02) Record and maintain the minutes of the sectional business meetings.
03) Be responsible for the overse4eing of the communication among chapters of
Section 70 including, but not limited to, the circulation of chapter and
sectional newsletters.
04) Assume the duties of the Chair, in the event the Chair and/or Vice Chair are
unable to perform them, until the Chair and/or Vice Chair are able to resume
them or a new Chair is appointed.
05) Coordinate the development and upkeep of resource manuals for inter-
chapter support.
06) Coordinate transportation to regional and national conventions for the
section, in the event the section would like to travel as a group to a
Section 6 - Section 70 Sergeant-At-Arms
The responsibility of the Sergeant-At-Arms is to:
Section 7 - Chapter Section 70 Representative
The responsibilities of the Chapter Section 70 Representative are to:
01) Maintain coordination of communication among the section; including, but
not limited to, chapter information for the leadership directory and section
02) Contact the Section 70 Secretary/Treasurer at least once per month to relate
information of chapter events and activities.
The Chapter Section 70 Representative may represent the chapter as part of the awards committee and/or a voting delegate at the sectional conference.
Part III: Sectional Committees
Section 1 - Formation of committees
Committees may be formed, with the approval of Section 70, at the discretion of the Sectional Chair to aid in the functions of Section 70.
Section 2 - Sectional Awards Committee
The committee will be composed of two representatives from each active chapter and be chaired by the Section 70 Vice Chair.
The committee is responsible for:
01) Ensuring that the established procedures and criteria are followed concerning
the awards.
02) Determining the recipients of the awards during closed door sessions.
03) Ordering and presenting the awards.
Part IV: Section Conferences
Section 1 - Purposed of the conference
The purpose of the sectional conference is to provide opportunities for developing leadership; promoting friendship; improving and providing service; setting individual, chapter, and sectional goals; and conduction whatever sectional business is necessary and appropriate.
Section 2 - Time and place of the conference
The fall conference shall be held at some time between September 1 and November 15. The spring conference shall be held at some time between January 1 and April 15. A host chapter will be decided upon by a majority vote of the chapters present and voting at the previous conference based on bids made by interested chapters. The following listing will serve as a guide for selecting a host chapter:
Austin Peay University
University of Tennessee at Martin
Vanderbilt University
Tennessee Technological University
Lindsey Wilson College
It should be changed as needed to reflect changes in the active chapters in Section 70. The host chapter sets the time, date, and place of the conference with the approval of the Section 70 Chair and the Region IV Director.
Section 3 - Planning and hosting of the conference
The host chapter will decide the format of the conference with approval from the Section 70 Chair. The host chapter will be responsible for all the details of planning and financing the conference. However, a registration fee may be charged to help offset the costs. In the event the registration fee income exceeds the expenses incurred, the difference shall be turned over to the sectional fund. In the event the host chapter incurs excessive losses due to circumstances beyond their control, the section may decide, by majority vote of the chapters present, to reimburse the host chapter from the sectional fund without allowing the balance of the fund to fall below a minimum of $10.
Part V: Sectional Fund
Section 1 - Purpose of the fund
The purpose of the sectional fund is to pay for expenses associated with the activities of Section 70and to help pay some of the administrative expenses incurred by the Section 70 Chair and other members of the Section 70 staff in the conduct of official sectional business. While everyone who serves in a section staff position does so as a volunteer, with full knowledge that personal expense is involved, the section does not want financial standing to be a prerequisite to holding a section office. Further, the section does not want the success of its routine operation and administration to be dependent upon any individual’s financial resources.
Section 2 - Contributions to the fund
The source of income for the fund shall be dues and/or sectional fundraisers. At the spring conference, the section shall establish the amount of chapter sectional dues. The deadline for payment of these biannual dues will be October 1st and February 15th. Failure to do so will result in loss of voting privileges at sectional conferences.
Section 3 - Uses of the fund
The sectional fund shall be used for expenses associated with the activities of Section 70. All expenditures from the fund must be approved by the Section Executive Board, comprised of the section staff and a voting delegate from each chapter. Proper receipts and/or invoices should be submitted when appropriate.
Section 4 - Administration of the fund
The Section 70 Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the sectional fund. For the purpose of maintaining a stable account and due to its central location, the Section 70 account shall be established in Nashville.
Part VI: Awards Criteria and Nominations Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose awards criteria and nominations procedure
The purpose of the awards and nominations procedure is to establish a definite set of guidelines to be followed by the Awards Committee when considering award nominees and deciding upon award recipients.
Section 2 - Section 70 Man-Mile Award
The criteria for the Section 70 Man-Mile Award are:
01) A rotating Section 70 Man-Mile Award will be presented at each sectional
02) All visiting chapters in Section 70, recognized by the National Office, shall
be eligible to receive the Section 70 Man-Mile Award.
03) The recipient of the Section 70 Man-Mile Award shall be determined by the
following criteria:
(Number of registered delegates present) X (Miles traveled from schools)
Mileage Chart
Vanderbilt University -Western Kentucky 70 miles
Vanderbilt.University -Tennessee Tech University 80 miles
Vanderbilt University -University of TN-Martin 160 miles
Vanderbilt University -Lindsey Wilson College 140 miles
Vanderbilt University -Austin Peay State Univ. 50 miles
Western Kentucky University -Tennessee Tech University 130 miles
Western Kentucky University -University of TN-Martin 180 miles
Western Kentucky University -Lindsey Wilson College 75 miles
Western Kentucky University -Austin Peay State Univ. 65 miles
Tennessee Tech University -University of TN-Martin 240 miles
Tennessee Tech University -Lindsey Wilson College 100 miles
Tennessee Tech University -Austin Peay State Univ. 125 miles
University of TN-Martin -Lindsey Wilson College 280 miles
University of TN-Martin -Austin Peay State Univ. 100 miles
Lindsey Wilson College -Austin Peay State Univ. 140 miles
04) A registered delegate is anyone who has registered at the conference , paid
the appropriate registration fees, and is affiliated with a Section 70 chapter
as an active, pledge, associate, inactive, honorary, advisory, or alumni
05) The recipient of the Man-Mile Award shall be entitled to keep the award
until the next sectional conference.
Section 3 - Section 70 Distinguished Service Key
The criteria for the Section 70 Distinguished Service Key are:
01) Any person who has served Section 70 in an exemplary manner is eligible to
receive a Distinguished Service Key.
02) A chapter wishing to nominate an individual for the Distinguished Service
Key must complete the Section 70 Award Nomination Form and mail a
copy of it to the Section 70 Chair and Section 70 Vice Chair no later than
two weeks prior to the spring conference.
03) Nominations for the Distinguished Service Key will be considered by the
Awards Committee at the spring conference. A unanimous vote of the
committee is required for awarding of the Distinguished Service Key.
Part VIII: Section 70 Inter-Chapter Activities
Inter-chapter activities are strongly encouraged within the section. Sectional funds may be utilized for such an event.