My new homepage!!.Welcome to my Homepage. If you're interested in Information Technology you've come to the right place, you can learn about the contributions of Fernando J Corbató to the MULTICS OS (the predecessor of UNIX), some thoughts on the future of database technology, the impact of IT on society generally and other topics all coming under the banner of IT.
By the way as you can probably tell from the big sign at the top of the page my name is Ben Meadowcroft. I live in England near Manchester. If you look around these pages I'm sure you will see that I quite like working with computers to do a variety of things. But this site isn't about computers it's about me! So if you want to stay well clear of computer related stuff go to my personal section and look aroung there.
When I wander around the www just looking about I often find myself wondering what is the point of this site? Sometimes it seems that the most common way for people to express themselves is just to give those visiting their site a list of their favourite links and leave it at that. Well, this is my message for all who read this remember to be original and contribute. That is really what I've tried to do here, essays on "System Failure" might not be you're thing but at least I didn't just copy it from somewhere else.
Latest this is the result of my latest re-design of the site. I've gone for the tactic of doing all my styling in CSS to try and make it easier for me to give this site a facelift now and again.
Leaving Already? then why not check these out:
Radio 1's website
Frontier website
Buffy and Angel
A proper on-line libary
A nice personal site by someone I helped a little on the newsgroup
About this site. If you're fairly new to this homepage game and are interested in learning more about how I put this site together you can see the commented source code for this page and it's accommpanying style sheet. If you're a little more experienced then you don't need me to tell you what sites to look at as you probably know all the good ones already.
Thoughts Well thanks, you've scrolled to the bottom of the page, I appreciate it. As I'm sure you can tell the web site isn't exactly vast in size, but I aim to continue working on it and steadily increasing the amount of original content.
My Moto Just come up with something original? We get enough of the same old stuff all over the web be a creator not a collator.