Welcome to the Vista Way Clubhouse. Here you will find some very interesting presentations put on by both the people in the International Programs office and also by the participants of the World Showcase Fellowship Program. Well, actually you won't find them in the Vista Way Clubhouse anymore. They will be in the Commons Clubhouse now, but that is beside the point. Our seminars basically fell into one of three different catagories: 1. Business related, 2. Cultural, or 3. Total Slacking.
1. Business - During the year we had some seminars that educated us on the Disney way of doing business. Some of them focussed on Marketing, Leadership (presented by Lee Cockerell), Entertainment, Presentation Skills, and Corporate Relations. We had other seminars of this type as well, but these are the ones that have popped into my head as I am writing this. Since these are the ones I most readily remember, they were probably the most interesting or informative ones of this kind.
2. Cultural - A requirement of the Fellowship program is for each country group to prepare and give a 6 hour presentation about their home country. Yes, a six hour presentation does sound quite intimidating, but with some hard work and some preparation (unless you're German) it can be a lot of fun. You can see some pictures of cultural presentations farther down this page. Just so you know I have a bit of a bias towards the Canadian presentation. I wonder why?
3. Total Slacking - OK, I don't intend this catagory to sound negative in any way. What I mean by slacking is that once every couple of months, rather than dressing up in suits and other professional attire, we got to play. We went to the beach as a group, we visited schools to share our cultures with local children, we froze our butts on a river tubing trip. Some people complained that these seminars didn't teach us anything and that we should be in a more structured classroom setting. Well, it's true that they were not an educational experience, but they were good fun and a wonderful perk of being in this program.
I have two groups of pictures:
Group 1 - Photos of the Canadian cultural presentation.
Group 2 - Photos of other Fellowship seminars.
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