Bienvenidos mis amigos
Welcome my friends
Velkommen mine venner
Ongi etorri nire lagunak
Bienvenue mes amis Willkommen meine freunde
Welkom myn vrienden Benvenuti miei amici Brahim habaim haverim
Marhab sadege Selamat datang
Send me a message if I'm online
The land of this Juraj
Chile lindo
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Larga y angosta faja de tierra
Give some volume, put your headphones, and you'll hear AND SEE the national anthem if you CLICK on this icon
Me van a tener que perdonar, pero apenas me las pude ingeniar para entrar aqui, asi que no les voy a vender la pomada de que estoy trabajando para ustedes (falso, estoy echado en la cama), asi que vuelvan en un par de dias mas e impresionense..
Lyrics and midi file Chile's national anthem
English coming (I mean the version),I'm not going to tell you that this is a great site.. in fact look around!! there's nothing (yet).. the reason is that I'm lied in my bed sleeping, so try tomorrow and take a look..
New pictures!
Put your comments in the message board and tell me if you have more!
La version francaise, cette page est pas encore top, mais j'y travaille dur. Soyez patient, ca prend beaucoup de temps, et le dimanche l'appel du pieu est plus fort que tout...(Thank's to Anne)
En ook in het nederlands, ongelovelijk datcht U? Nee, hier is het, eventjes wachten dat wel want ik begrijp er geen bal van... (Thank's to Heleen)
Now the serious staff:
Saxony Tacos schedule and highlights
Saxony's email adresses
Saxony's basketball news!!
Saxony's pictures