Your Dreams Before you can proceed on any great journey, you must have a dream. The promise of the dream helps you take the first step. The hope of achieving the dream keeps you going, day after day, even when you feel too tired, sick, disappointed, or discouraged to take another step. The truth of the dream gives you strength to reach out an help others along the way. And the joy of fulfilling the dream and the promise of a better future lead to contentment. The journey ahead is awesome. But you can't get started until you've developed a dream. Your Authenticity What does it mean to be authentic? It means your words and your actions are always match. It means you speak the truth in love, even when it isn't popular or pleasant. It means people can trust you because they know where you stand and what's important to you. It means you walk the road that God has created for you, without pride but also without apologies for your integrity. Above all, it means you are yourself. Your Friendships What things are worth living and dying for? If asked, could you narrow your list down to three or four? If friendships aren't already on your short list, I want to encourage you to add them. Your Possibilities You stand at a unique crossroads. You are the only person in the history of humanity with your particular background, experience, and talents. The world has waited until this moment for your arrival. Your possibilities are almost limitless. What do you plan to do with this opportunity? You're only going to get one chance - the one you have right now. Vow to make the most of it. Strive to reach your potential. Expand your possibilities. Make every moment count. Your Choices Nothing will have a greater impact on your future than the choices you make today - not the state of society, the condition of the government, the health of the economy, or anything else. Those things are outside of your control. What is under your control is what you choose to do - or not to do. Each time you make a choice, you move a little farther in a particular direction, for good or for ill. Choose wisely, and the bridge you build will take you to the futur you desire. Your Contribution If your epitaph were being written today, how would it read? What would it say about you and what you are leaving behind? Would it describe how you touched the world in a positive way, or would it be blank? You may not think of it often, but your epitaph really is being written today - and you're writing it. It is the sum of all you say and do each day. So give all you can to whomever you can. Leave the world better than you found it. Your Future Your future is bright. It may not look like the one your parents or your grandparents faced, but that's a good thing. You and others in your generation are blazing new trails and finding new ways to make a difference. That is how it should be. If you were happy with everything as it is, there would be no positive future. Like everyone, you will make mistakes, but a better future is built on the successes and failures of today. That gives you hope. And where there is hope for the future, there is power for the present. |
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