Lanie's Homepage

I will be slowly transitioning all that you see on this website to my husbands and my new site. The link is included in Lanie's Other Projects. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions

Lanie's other projects/links:
Live Journal
Daniel and Alana's Website
Julie's website.
Glen Family Website.

New Years Pictures 2003
Christmas Party Pictures 2002
Some family pics
Gonzales Christmas 2002
Halloween pictures 2002
Norman's Birthday
Gift Exchange

One of my favorites...

I will never hide my talents. If I am silent,
I am forgotten. If I do not advance, I will
fall back. If I walk away from challenge today
my self esteem will be forever scarred, and if I cease
to grow even a little, I will become smaller.
I reject the stationary position in life because
it is always the beginning of the end.
-Unknown author

If you have any suggestions on how to make this site
better, or have any questions about the content please
email me at