ATTENTION: The first practice for the FALL '03 season starts on 09/02...DON'T MISS IT!!!

Thanks for coming to see what we are all about we are the Women's Rugby Football Club from Southern Connecticut State University.
Our practices are Monday-Thursday from 4pm-6pm on our pitch behind Seabury Hall.BR> Any questions, please contact any of our players or our Coach, Tiger at our Meet The Team Link and it would also be greatly appreciated if you could take a couple of extra seconds of your time to fill in an entry to our guestbook and tell us what you think. We do extensive travelling and great fundraisers...FEEL FREE TO ASK FOR INFO AND DON'T BE SHY!!

"Now this is the Law of the jungle,
as old and as true as the sky;
and the Wolf that keeps it may prosper,
but the Wolf that breaks it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk,
the Law runneth forward and back...
For the Strength of the Pack is the Wolf,
and the Strength of the Wolf is the Pack."
- Rudyard Kipling

On the field, we are a team of girls out to play hard! Off of the field, we are easy going, looking to go out and have a good time. We are all very different outside and in but when it comes to putting on our uniforms and playing a little rugby.. we all come together as one. We all have different reasons for playing this game but for right now we are in need of finding a few new people to join in the fun.

We had a great team this last season but we seeking any underclass women who want to play and be part of a team with great potential.... EVERYONE GETS TO PLAY and there is ABSOLUTELY no need to know how to play the game!

The Quitter
It's easy to cry that your beaten - and die;
It's easy to crawfish and crawl;
But to fight and to fight when hope is out of sight -
Why, that's the best game of them all!
And though you come out of each gruelling bout,
All broken beaten and scarred,
Just have one more try - it's dead easy to die,
It's the keeping-on-living that's hard.
-Robert Service

Fall 02 Stats
Spring 2003 Schedule
Meet the Team
Ode to Veterans
Special Occassions
Fall '03 Season
To learn more about the game of rugby Click here

You are the person to check out the scrappiest ruggers in the world!

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Shannon Walsh but now it's Lucy's fault
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