sorry it has been so long here are a few updates
4/2006 I moved over to a blog with all my stories and photos click here to follow
3/2004 Check out our new Family member. Her name is Lady Macbeth and she is the coolest puppy around.
1/2004 hey every body. Just a quick note. Guess what I am the new LCC (local childcare coordinator) for EF cultural care, the same organization that I was an Au-pair with. funny how life works. well check out the website I have for it. So what; else is new. Well my divorce is just about final. Dave moved in recently. We ; went on a mini Bahamas cruise over X-mas here are some pictures
4/2003 I bought a house. Can you believe it I am 25 and own my one house. Well mom helped a lot and I will be in dept for ever but oh well. Love the house here look for your self
9/2002 Well life is never boring at least mine isn't. The whole being married thing didn't quiet work, so I am back on my own. I still work for the doctor who has me traveling quiet a bit. Last  week it was Santa Monica, the week before Canada. Got to love it. SO I guess I'll hang out in Virginia a bit longer

2/2002 Went to Mardi Gras.

It depends  upon when it was the last time you saw this site or i spoke to you. I got married about 2 years ago.
I live in Virginia now. I work for a doctor doing clinical trials. I really like this job and the people i work with. I found a cool place to hang out and i met lots of new friends
You have to check out my photoalbum Well I cant get my scanner to work but I will find a way to upload a few pictures. I will try to keep it as updated as possible. It will take me awhile to get it all together. And since I got a cool digital camera for Xmas it should be easier.
Things I did, places I went:
June 01 My new job had me going to New Orleans. I had a blast. I have a friend down there who said I could have his couch for Mardi Gras. So you know I will be back.