Squeakers is . . . Fun Facts:
Squeakers is a boy, and he prefers female Asians. But he's generally friendly.
A loveable, sweet toy poodle who gets lots of attention for being so cute. He was born in 1987, so he is getting old. His hair is classified as apricot, and he belongs to me, June.
He has lots of nicknames, like Squeaky, Squeegee, and Squeaks.
He can sit, lie, shake paws, and jump, especially if you have food.
More about my pet:
People who are normally allergic to dogs are not usually allergic to poodle hair.
Squeakers lives in Sun Valley, in an apartment with me. He likes to lick my hand. He also sniffs everything when he goes on walks. He has a raggedy old teddy bear that he likes to wrangle with his teeth. He likes Milkbone treats, but he likes people food better.
He tries to go everywhere with June, even to school and to work.
Likes: Dislikes:
Neat Links:
- female humans, especially June

- his leash (for walks)

- long naps

- wearing sweaters

- sticking his head out the car window
- going to the vet

- enclosed spaces

- vegetables

- when he is left alone

- water, baths

Fun for Pets
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