Sequoyah Alumni Association
9th Annual Scholarship Benefit Auction
Wanted !
Donated items being sought for
the Silent / Live Auction
to be held Friday, May 4th in
the Cherokee Nation Ballroom.
Items being sought are jewelry,
blankets, quilts, pillows, purses, tote bags, dolls, baskets,
pottery, all beaded items, T-shirts,
art work, frames, Ribbon Shirts, tear dresses, etc.
You know, things you'd bid on if you attend the SILENT AUCTION !
(Please bring your donated items
to the ballroom by 2:00 PM Friday, May 1st.)
If you will not be able to attend and wish to
participate in our scholarship program,
a cash donation may be made by contacting: Lois
Speaks . . . 503-579-8393
For more information: . . .