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Ardmore, Ok  -- Emery Roberts   (Seq. Class of 1963),  66, passed away Friday April 24, 2009 in Dallas Tx.  A wake to be held 7 P.M. Tues. Apr. 28 in the Griffin-Hillcreast Funeral Home Chapel and services at 2 P.M. Wed. Apr. 29th. with the Rev. Osborne Roberts officiating. Interment will follow in McAllister Cemetery.

Griffin-Hillcreast Funeral Home ~ 1610 Centre St. S/E ~ Ardmore Okla. ~ 580-226-5556

Silent Auction ~ Fri. May 1st
Meet - Banq ~ Sat. May 2nd
Breakfast ~ Sund. May 3rd
Call your
and remind them it's
until the
EVENTS . . .
Accommodations . .

Sequoyah Alumni Association

9th Annual Scholarship Benefit Auction

Wanted !

Donated items being sought for the Silent / Live Auction
to be held Friday, May 4th in the Cherokee Nation Ballroom.

Items being sought are jewelry, blankets, quilts, pillows, purses, tote bags, dolls, baskets,
pottery, all beaded items, T-shirts, art work, frames, Ribbon Shirts, tear dresses, etc.

You know, things you'd bid on if you attend the SILENT AUCTION !
(Please bring your donated items to the ballroom by 2:00 PM Friday, May 1st.)

If you will not be able to attend and wish to participate in our scholarship program,
a cash donation may be made by contacting: Lois Speaks . . . 503-579-8393

For more information: . . .

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