All About Me:
am a major 80's stuff fan. I was born in 1980, so I pretty much
grew up on 80's television and cartoons. I love Rainbow Brite,
and Strawberry Shortcake, She-ra and He-man, ALF, The Fraggles,
Care Bears, the Smurfs, and I know I am leaving a lot out, but
you get the point. Plus I love 80's music, but how could you not?
And 80's movies? Cheezy, but just so damn good.
I just started my sophomore year at Rutgers Univeristy. I transferred from Boston University, which I hated. Now that I look back on my year in Boston, my attitude was so bad that I missed out on alot. I am having a much better time at Rutgers. I had really wanted to take a year off, but I guess this is working out fine. I also don't like the whole 'okay you have to live with a complete stranger now' thing, it just seems so wrong.
I am really shy, but I was a hundred times worse when I was
little. I never really talked until like eighth grade. My mom
thinks that it was just because I was picky about who I wanted to
talk to. I guess that is sortof true. I am really bad about
making 'small talk'-I pretty much hate it. font>
My favorite show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I just love it and
I watch it religiously. It is just so good, I have been watching
since day one. I have turned many people on to it, but there are
still alot or people that just don't appreciate Buffy
at all, I don't understand why though.
Um...I have been nineteen for about
two months. I grew up in New Jersey and I have decided that NJ is
much better than New England. Everyone in New England is so full of themselves, I guess that would be the way to put it.
Um...I like to push people away, I have a real problem with that.
I pushed away all my best friends I ever had, so I am trying to
hold on to the ones that I havn't pushed away yet.
Is there anything that I should've added about myself? I can't
think of anything right now, but I'm sure that I will. To see a sortof survey about me click here: More Stuff about me.