Welcome to my world...Atlanta, Huntsvegas, and Ultimate Frisbee
The ATL Boyz living it up with some Athens cuties
Bill, Geoff (me), Barb, Hottie, Doug, TJ, Emily
B'ham - HPP*, hats, hangovers, hotel
Ryan, Ruben, Dashboard Jesus, Steve, Geoff (me)
* HPP -
Huntsville Party Posse
Sammy T's - Dave Matthews Cover Band (24th B-day)
Ruben, Ryan, Julie, Jason, Shelly, Geoff (me), Vignesh
Wing Factory Trivia
Bill, Jeff, Geoff (me), Ally, James
Summer Ultimate - Team Berserker
I was a Co-captain, leading my team to a 0-12 record!
Front Row - Rusty, Nancy (co-captain), Julie, Jim, Roy, Ryan, Christy, Morgan, Charlie
Back Row - ?, Daniel, Geoff (me), Eric, ?, Matt
Sizemores and Clements - Christmas 2003
Jack (dad), Lana (sister), Willie (bro-in-law), Becky (mom), Tim (brother), Geoff (me)
Family Photos And Information
Not exactly my favorite picture, but I am wearing the team shirt for the Burninators (aka Huntsville Freaks).

Long story short.  We wanted a cool mascot, and Strong Bad's dragon Trogdor was perfect because we're a bunch of computer geeks.  Plus people recognized it and made up chants about Trogdor and Strong Bad for us.
Uncle Geoff - or as I like to call myself Ug
My sister had Will, my nephew, six weeks early.  He was tiny.
Nephew Will - 1st B-day
Disc Golf Crew
Geoff (me), John, Ryan, Vignesh
Note: Links off this page may not contain the PG material that exists on this one.  What can I say, I'm a 20-something bachelor living a bachelor lifestyle.  You have been forewarned.
Jazz Factory - HPP
Vignesh, Geoff (me), Steve, Stacy, Dana, Ryan