gift called Gary. One September evening, Bathala
called upon his angels and sad "let us make
a gift for Eddie and Flor. Let us make many
convolusions for his brain to house his
intelligent nature. This will serve him well as
he hurdles the toxic world of nursing. And so it
was done. The convolutions though got out of hand
and the gift came with a curly top. .....Let his
being carry light. This will enable him to deal
with life's troubles and have fun when he has
problems. And so it was done. The light though,
stimulated not just his kikay demeanor but also
his melanin. Thus Bathala created the gift. And
seeing it was nearly perfect, proclaimed that it
be delivered on June 19, the birthday of another
good gift. And he was called Garizaldy.
ka na: Si "Sir" Gary? Nasa UP Public
Health na siya.