Jo-Winsyl V. Solidum

Tall and large built, she's physically big. She easily commands attention and easily stands out in a crowd because of this. Intellectually she is also big. Innately bright, she also has good leadership qualities. Winsyl also had a big heart. Her maternal sensibilities have earned her the label of being the batch MUDRA. Of course she is also big in other things. She is big in kakikayan and her beauty rituals serve as evidence (fave lip shade-rosa-rosa!). She is big in kakulitan-a great human alarm clock. But at the moment this is her biggest achievement: BIGo siya sa pag-iBIG. No matter though, she has big ways from which to compensate-the big love of hter family and friends.

Nasaan ka na: Nasa OR with Portia. You want to transfer to the ER para kasama mo si "B--o". I smell romance.



Garizaldy T. Asperas

This gift called Gary. One September evening, Bathala called upon his angels and sad "let us make a gift for Eddie and Flor. Let us make many convolusions for his brain to house his intelligent nature. This will serve him well as he hurdles the toxic world of nursing. And so it was done. The convolutions though got out of hand and the gift came with a curly top. .....Let his being carry light. This will enable him to deal with life's troubles and have fun when he has problems. And so it was done. The light though, stimulated not just his kikay demeanor but also his melanin. Thus Bathala created the gift. And seeing it was nearly perfect, proclaimed that it be delivered on June 19, the birthday of another good gift. And he was called Garizaldy.

Nasaan ka na: Si "Sir" Gary? Nasa UP Public Health na siya.



Florchita B. Calpito

Chit is what you can call a truly "refreshing" personality. According to her closest friends, there is never a dull moment with her around. She seems to have this gift for bringing out the best in everyone. And talk about a great sense of humor. I guess this has a lot to do with her optimistic view of life. She seems to see things with the enthusiasm and naivete of a child. And it is perhaps this very quality that makes her a very lovable and caring nurse. She is a great listener and gives great advice too.

Nasaan ka na: hard working RA ng UPCN Distance Ed program