John Joseph P. Bustos

Having been brought up with sound old-fashioned values, John's gentle manners come as of no surprise. Serious,determined and cautious, he attributes his moderate success to a combination of genetics, ambition, family and guidance from God. John proudly belongs to the KGB, a membership he initially denied. He dreams of someday attaining an active and meaningful social life-sipping tequila in the company of Manila's elite, ballroom dancing with Baby Arenas (who?), and sweating it out at the Eumorpho Lakas-Tao Gym.

Saan ka na: Kasama ni Har Har sa UP College of Medicine


      Marlene M. Angeles
This girl posseses an indescribable sense of humor coupled with quick wit enough to turn a dull conversation into fits of laughter. Yet she is not even aware of her refreshing innocence. Endowed with a classy sense of style-definitely oone of the best dressed people in the college. But mind yoou she works hard for it-she is vanity personified. Behind those sophisticated looks lies a sensitive, down-to-earth and sensible persoon who keeps her cool and optimism amidst the "ka-toxican." Rain or shine, she manages to preserve that "morning-fresh look" untiil the day's end no matter how harassed she has been. Her talents range from singing to baking dog biscuits. Definitely, there is never a dull moment in the company of this seriously hilarious lady.

Nasaan ka na: somewhere along Ayala Avenue.


      Portia M. Resurreccion

A good leader yet a better listener, she has achieved more than anyone her age could wish for. One thing worth noting is her dedication to serving the lesser fortunate. With every little extra time that she has, you'll see her doing various reach-out projects and volunteer work. A true Pahinungod at heart. But how is she at the wards? TOXIC! Very punctual andefficient. A very supportive partner, very sensitive to everyone's needs, the perfect head nurse and yet someone who is comfortable at the patient's bedside...and super chika! Portia is the epitome of a real nurse.

Nasaan ka na: Nagkakalat ng lagim sa OB-OR, PGH


      Ma. Rochelle O. Balabagno

"There you were, basking from beneath the shadows of the lone narra tree, yet, again. Next to you was the mango tree, tall and proud, yet no longer as lush as I had remembered it. A few paces ahead of yooou, I glimpsed the bamboo tree, standing gracefully, evr swayiiing, ever growing.You once likened yourself to that tree-sturdy yet flexible, stalwart and majestic despite strong winds. Even then I had understood. Many times I have wanted to ask you-have you ever truly realized how fortunate you are to have such a loving and nurturing family? Your parents tenderly watched you grow and mature. As a child I watched you. I watched you grow from the innocent youngster to the quiet, sentimental and emotional young woman that you are now. I share your joys, cy your pains, cheer on you success. You are MAROO-the loving daughter, the affable friend, nature lover, talented artist, the bamboo tree. Know that I shall always be at your side, watching over you, guiding you, loving you as God does. How can I not... I am your angel.."


      Serlee L. Bautista

She is one of the reasons why the batch's average waistline is at 23 inches. Tall and slim, Serlee may first catch your attention with her ramp model physique-until you see her eat and the ramp model immpression evaporates instantly. Defintely one of the most down-to-earth people in class that's why it no wonder she has maintained strong ties with people through the years. Hardworking and responsible, you can always depend on her to take part in class activities with enthusiasm. Serlee- an extraordinary name for an extraordinary person. One who is very difficult to forget and one who will always be fondly remembered.

Nasaan ka na: HAIN na!


      Mayumi Ruth E. Trinidad

Only Mayumi can carry her given name with an aptomb worthy of praise-she is sweet and demmmmure as her name implies, while equallyy capale of being develishly charming and quite mataray when the situation calls for it. One of the original members of the KGB, she is the epitome of the kikay girl aspiring to be a nerd. Oncew touted as the Aiko Melendez-look-alike of the batch, a closer lllook at her will reveal that she is definitely her own person-a lady deeply entrenched in family values, a terrific shopping mate and fashion adviser, an ideal partner, a closet slave-driver and most importantly, a staunch supporter and the best friend anyone can depend on.

Nasaan ka na: Chicago, Illinois